How To Make Roasted Beef Bone Broth + How It’s Helping Me Heal! {Slow-Cooker & Pressure Cooker Instructions}

Bone broth, y’all.

I know the concept isn’t a new one. Simmer bones with veggies and herbs in order to create a gloriously flavorful and rich liquid. People have been doing it for ages. Chefs make it daily. My grandparents never wasted anything. Chicken or turkey bones were always made into soup. Ox tails were turned into soup. You guys… I ate a lot of soup. But, even though I knew that I could make my own broth, I never did. I’d buy a box or a can, or a box of cans of chicken stock. Leftover bones were always thrown out. It wasn’t until I was in my late twenties (29 to be exact) and in the middle of a full blown health crisis that I started to make my own. […]

Detox Juice |My Go-To Green Juice for Detoxing

It’s post-New Year’s. My Christmas tree is gone (although I keep finding needles in weird places–how did that get in my bra?!), the ornaments are packed away, and the lights are down. But, I’m still experiencing a major holiday hangover. After holiday travel, the flu, a Lyme flare, and a couple of stress-inspired poor eating decisions (I’m looking at YOU entire gluten-free pizza with enough cheese to choke a horse), my body is BEGGING me to get back on track. So, I’m listening to my body’s plea and responding with my favorite detoxing green juice, salad, soup, and lots of episodes of Friends on Netflix. It does a body good.   […]

How To Make Chicken Broth In A Crock Pot

I have a confession to make (I wonder how many blog posts I’ve started with that statement–I always feel like I’m confessing something here).

I haven’t always made good use of my leftover chicken bones.

In fact, I used to let my cat eat them (I think at least a hundred of you just unsubscribed from my blog–Uh oh). Well, not the actual bones, but the carcass. In college, my cat and I used to split a rotisserie chicken. This explanation isn’t making things any better is it? I feel like there is no way that I can not sound like a decidedly gross cat lady. To be fair, I was nineteen and lived alone with a slightly bossy (and always hungry) feline roommate. This isn’t making anything better. At all. I should probably erase this entire paragraph, but I shall leave it in the spirit of truth telling and friendship. […]

Zero To Sick In Sixty Seconds: The Time I Found Out I Have Lyme Disease

There are some things I’ve been meaning to tell you…

Maybe you’ve noticed I haven’t been around as much lately. I want to let you in and tell you why.

I’ve been writing this post in my head for months. There are several drafts that have never left the confines of my brain. Do I really want to put this into the world — or rather, my world? Will these words sully my happy little blogging space where we talk about dancing bears and high five each other over the melted chocolate in our bra? This silly space where I tell you about trying to cook bacon pantsless? Everything is breezy, sunny, honest and goofy over here. I like it. It feels happy. That’s my intention. I have a feeling you come here to laugh. I love that you do. Honestly, truly.

But sometimes I’m not laughing. Sometimes I’m scared. Sometimes my gut is swirly and dizzy with anxiety. Sometimes life hands you a bucket of lemons and you get exhausted in the process of trying to make lemonade — it’s too many lemons for one person to juice. You want some of these lemons? I could use someone to share them with. I guess this post is me giving you a handful of lemons — sharing some sour honesty and being vulnerable enough with you (my wonderful readers) to let you in on what’s been going on lately. Whew. This feels vulnerable. I feel naked without my usual puns and sarcasm. Naked, with a whole bunch of lemons. I’m only kinda sorry for the visual. […]