The So…Let’s Hang Out Podcast // Episode 010– Haters Gonna Hate

We promised you a Christmas episode, but now that it’s March you’re just going to have to be cool with us talking to you about Valentines Day. Oh, wait. That was a month ago? Whoops. So, this podcast is coming to your ears a bit belated, but with all of our good intentions. Life got away from us. But, we’re ready to talk your ears off. By the way, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, all the things. […]

Instant Pot Chicken & Ginger Noodle Soup {Gluten-Free + Paleo} // A Health Journey Update

I know a handful of things to be absolute truths. For example, kindness is better than judgment, It’s essential to stay hydrated, life is never what you think it’s going to be, it’s impossible to get Adele concert tickets without selling a kidney, and when in doubt, MAKE SOUP. Always and forever, style. Like, tattoo a steaming bowl of chicken noodle onto my biceps. Do you think I could make the noodles dance when I flex? Maybe. I will probably never find out.  […]

A Few Words On Body Shaming

Body shaming is definitely a thing, and I did it to myself today.

This afternoon I wrote my Mom on Facebook, begging her to remove photos she posted on her Timeline of my recent visit to Los Angeles. They were family photos. Candids she had snapped while we were all in the pool together. I saw myself sitting hunched over in a swimsuit and I lost it. I cried. A little voice in my head woke up and began berating me like a mean girl in the high school cafeteria. “You’re disgusting,” it said. “You need to get these photos down immediately before anyone can see them–you don’t want people to know what you look like right now. Hide it. Take them down. Also, you’re worthless.” […]

Zero To Sick In Sixty Seconds: The Time I Found Out I Have Lyme Disease

There are some things I’ve been meaning to tell you…

Maybe you’ve noticed I haven’t been around as much lately. I want to let you in and tell you why.

I’ve been writing this post in my head for months. There are several drafts that have never left the confines of my brain. Do I really want to put this into the world — or rather, my world? Will these words sully my happy little blogging space where we talk about dancing bears and high five each other over the melted chocolate in our bra? This silly space where I tell you about trying to cook bacon pantsless? Everything is breezy, sunny, honest and goofy over here. I like it. It feels happy. That’s my intention. I have a feeling you come here to laugh. I love that you do. Honestly, truly.

But sometimes I’m not laughing. Sometimes I’m scared. Sometimes my gut is swirly and dizzy with anxiety. Sometimes life hands you a bucket of lemons and you get exhausted in the process of trying to make lemonade — it’s too many lemons for one person to juice. You want some of these lemons? I could use someone to share them with. I guess this post is me giving you a handful of lemons — sharing some sour honesty and being vulnerable enough with you (my wonderful readers) to let you in on what’s been going on lately. Whew. This feels vulnerable. I feel naked without my usual puns and sarcasm. Naked, with a whole bunch of lemons. I’m only kinda sorry for the visual. […]