In this past year and some months, it’s become increasingly clear the cure for writer’s block is baking a cake…or cookies. Heck, maybe even some scones. Oh, and one time this Shepherds Pie.
Okay, it cures more than just writer’s block. It helps that stuck feeling. That “I have so many things I should be doing—but I can’t seem to process it all, so, what now?” feeling. That “I’ve got five loads of laundry to fold and my dog wont stop barking at the squirrels in our yard and all I really want to do it watch a lot of Bravo TV or hide under a large heap of blankets” feeling.  That “I thought I would get fancy and try to wax my Italian Lady Sideburns off. Oh crap…that didn’t go as planned. Now I have what can only be described as a Blemish-Beard” feeling. True story. Ugh. The regrets. […]