Grain-Free Spring Harvest Quiche with Sausage, Sun Dried Tomatoes & Goat Cheese

There are defining moments in life where you’re forced to examine what makes you different. For me, one of these moments centered around a hot dog. It was a sunny afternoon in ’94, and a friend of mine had come over for a play date. We were hungry, so my mom suggested some snacks. One of the things on the list was “a cold hot dog”. This didn’t strike me as particularly alarming, as I had been eating hot dogs in various states of cooked-ness for as long as I could remember. It wasn’t uncommon to grab a cold one right from the package and eat it with my hands like it was a hydrated Slim Jim. I grew up in a Hawaiian family, and this was normal. Other ways to eat hot dogs included: in a sandwich, fried in a pan, with Pork n’ Beans, and of course, with eggs. […]

Creamy Goat Cheese & Lobster Mashed Potatoes

What happens when you put buttery roasted lobster into a cream sauce and then pour that cream sauce over a bed of goat cheese laced mashed potatoes? This. This is what happens. This, and also a lot of orgasmic eating noises. Loud ones. The kind that would make you uncomfortable if you accidentally video taped yourself eating. A lot of MMMMMMMMMMYYYYGAHHHHHWWWW and YES–YES YESSSSSSSSSSSS. It’s food porn, and it’s starting you. Whoops, we just made a lobster laced sex tape. Kinda like Paris Hilton that one time, but we’re wearing all of our clothes and moaning something fierce over goat cheese. […]

Crispy Roasted Potatoes & Brussels Sprouts With Cilantro Sauce, Goat Cheese & Olives

I know that the holidays are in full effect, and that I should probably be posting how to make sugar cookies shaped like reindeer, covered in candy canes and peppermint bark and dipped into eggnog. That would be festive. Also, gross. Note to self: don’t dip overly-candied cookies into eggnog. Or, do. I feel confused. Is there a Christmas professional around who can tell me if this is a good or a bad idea? Also, how many gingerbread cookies crumbled up into a bowl make a good breakfast cereal? I have a lot of questions. But, I digress. Treats. I’ll probably be shoving treats in your face soon, so not to worry. However, this is the kind of food I’ve been crushing on currently. Hard. Like, I’m a twelve year old girl in 1995, and this pan of roasted veggies is on the cover of Tiger Beat right next to JTT. Big-swoony-write its name on my binder kind of crushin’. Practice kissing on your hand before bed kind of crushin’. It’s serious.  […]

Grain-Free Strawberry Basil Goat Cheese Tart {Guest Post fromTasty Yummies!}

Today is totally your lucky day. My dear friend Beth of Tasty Yummies is hanging out with us and sharing this bonkers looking dessert. Words cannot describe how much I love this girl or the food that she makes. Seriously. It’s too big.  But, if I had to pick one emoji to help you understand, it would be the tap dancing twins. You know the one. Simpatico. Please enjoy this beautiful dessert and getting to know one of my favorite gals on the interweb!! Take it away lady-cat… 
Hey everyone, it’s Beth here, visiting from over in my corner of the internet, Tasty Yummies. Tasty Yummies is where I have been blogging for 4 years now, sharing my healthy gluten-free recipes – all created with the intent to nourish both your body and soul. Outside of being gluten-free, I don’t have any other labels on my diet. Sure, much of what I eat is plant-based, but I am not vegan! And yes, many of my recipes are grain-free and would totally be paleo appropriate, but a cave woman, I am not! Generally, I just opt for eating fresh seasonal, whole foods that make me happy, are nutrient-dense and yummy, to boot. […]