A Decadent Gluten-Free Valentines Day Feast For Two!

I’ve been dishing up recipes like crazy in order to help you build the most perfectly decadent Valentines Day dinner at home! I wanted to put this post together so you’d  have the whole menu in one place. Oh, and it’s a good one. If I could live somewhere inside those Creamy Goat Cheese + Lobster Mashed Potatoes, I would. Or, maybe I’d build a home out of that filet mignon? Um, don’t make me choose. Let’s just eat it all. Okay, good.  […]

Creamy Goat Cheese & Lobster Mashed Potatoes

What happens when you put buttery roasted lobster into a cream sauce and then pour that cream sauce over a bed of goat cheese laced mashed potatoes? This. This is what happens. This, and also a lot of orgasmic eating noises. Loud ones. The kind that would make you uncomfortable if you accidentally video taped yourself eating. A lot of MMMMMMMMMMYYYYGAHHHHHWWWW and YES–YES YESSSSSSSSSSSS. It’s food porn, and it’s starting you. Whoops, we just made a lobster laced sex tape. Kinda like Paris Hilton that one time, but we’re wearing all of our clothes and moaning something fierce over goat cheese. […]

Cucumber & Peach Smoothie

You know that moment when you open your eyes and you can feel that your face is puffy? You reach over to your nightstand in hopes that your fingers will meet a glass of water, but instead you just end up unplugging a lamp, knocking off an alarm clock and dropping your cell phone. The headache sets in. A headache that can only be described as “this is what happens when you mix champagne with gin.” Or, “this is what happens when you mix half a bottle of champagne with gin.” OR, “this is what happens when you mix half a bottle of champagne with gin, eat animals from both land and sea, have butter as a legitimate side dish, swear you are not going to have dessert and then eat half of a chocolate bar, pass out on the couch in a sloppy champagne fueled coma” situation.
Sounds like another successful Steak and Lobster Day (or shall I say “Valentines Day” for all you non Steak and Lobster-ers). The husband got home a little bit early. We cooked together. I spiced up the steaks and got to work on our side dishes. I whipped up a mashed cauliflower with garlic and wilted chard situation as well as a Greek salad. Peter cooked our meat to perfection, melted some butter and mixed us some cocktails. I had planned to get a bottle of wine at the grocery store, but in my intense steak and lobster excitement I managed to forget. Instead, we went rooting through our cabinets and found a a bottle of champagne. We then proceeded to make ourselves French 75’s. This is a cocktail that combines gin with champagne (yes, this might be a red flag). Of course once we opened the bottle of champagne we decided that we could not let it go to waste (Perhaps we are the red flags?). […]

Buckwheat Waffles with Cinnamon Apples | Gluten Free

Tomorrow is one of my favorite holidays.

It’s Steak and Lobster Day!

That’s right. Some people might refer to it as “Valentines Day,” but in this house we refer to it solely as Steak and Lobster Day. After a few years of going out to over-priced fixed menu dinners and suffering through people coming over to our tables and loudly serenading us with accordions or trying to sell us roses, we decided that we needed to go another route. One can only be serenaded by an accordion while eating overpriced lamb so many times. We started to notice that really good quality steak and lobsters were on sale at our local market during the Valentines madness. Jackpot. Thus was born Steak and Lobster day. […]