A Decadent Gluten-Free Valentines Day Feast For Two!

I’ve been dishing up recipes like crazy in order to help you build the most perfectly decadent Valentines Day dinner at home! I wanted to put this post together so you’d  have the whole menu in one place. Oh, and it’s a good one. If I could live somewhere inside those Creamy Goat Cheese + Lobster Mashed Potatoes, I would. Or, maybe I’d build a home out of that filet mignon? Um, don’t make me choose. Let’s just eat it all. Okay, good.  […]

Be My Valentine | The Let’s Get Romantic Recipe Round-Up!

Holy Cupid! It’s totally almost Valentines Day. I know this because my calendar is telling me it’s February. I’m totally on top of things. Don’t worry (okay, maybe worry a little).  I feel like I am losing track of time and space, but that’s nothing new.

Have you ever noticed how polarizing this time of year is? There’s that awkward divide between the people clamoring to get into a schmancy restaurant with an expensive prefixed menu and the slightly bitter people who feel like going out and throwing old crusty sandwiches at anyone who dares play a little tonsil hockey in front of them. Boom. Did you just grab that girls butt? You get this old pastrami right in the face. I totally get it. I’ve been on both sides of this holiday. Not that I ever chucked sandwiches… but, I’m not going to say it’s never crossed my mind. Now, as a boring-but-kind-of-in-a-charming-way-married-person, I kind of fall somewhere in the middle. It gives me an excuse to write my husband a love letter (not that I should need one) while also capitalizing on the sale of both steak and lobster. We literally call it Steak and Lobster Day. I find this to be way more exciting than a bunch of roses or even one of those singing teddy bears. Feed me some turf with a side of surf and that speaks to my heart. Is that a fillet? Let’s makeout. […]