Lemon Roasted Salmon With Pepita Pesto Quinoa & Tomatoes

Lately I’ve felt like I’ve been stewing in some sort of creative rut.

The words aren’t flowing freely from my fingers. Perhaps this is why I’ve signed up to write an entire novel in the month of November. Clearly, I’m a glutton for punishment. The graph of my current word count tells me that I will most likely be finishing this “novel” (I use quotations since my “novel” has turned out to be  a collection of non-fiction stories about my very real, very awkward life) sometime around mid December. Nothing inspires a person more than being approximately sixteen days behind on a writing project when you’re already suffering from an intense bout of writer’s block. Can you see my sarcastic-smirk face right now? Because, that. Is hibernation an option for humans? I kind of want to sign up. Maybe they have a month dedicated to napping. Count this girl in.  […]

Tomato & Blue Cheese Birthday Biscuits {Gluten-Free}

Yesterday I totally cried over cake. True story.
But, before we get into weird cake sob stories, allow me to welcome you to BIRTHDAY WEEK! That’s right. Why celebrate your blog’s first birthday simply with a day, when you can use it as an excuse for an extended week long party?! You only turn one once, right? Right. All week long we’re going to be indulging with some party-worthy recipes. Maybe I’m using a bit more butter than usual. Maybe I’ve been eating ice cream sandwiches for breakfast. Let’s not look too closely at it. Just know, It’s going to be awesome.  Let’s do it up proper, starting with these biscuits.
Are you confused as to why we’re starting things off with biscuits? Further more, why am I putting a candle in said biscuits? Yeah, me too.I’m going to try to make some sense out of this madness.  […]

Cherry Tomato & Goat Cheese Galette {Gluten-Free}

I know, I know. Here I go about tomatoes again. But, OMG…

You guys. I totally didn’t kill my tomatoes this year.

This is BIG news. As someone who is enthusiastic about growing things, it can be slightly disheartening when I kill my succulents. Correct. I have killed various cacti in my gardening career. Don’t even get me started with my various vegetable growing flops. It’s a sad scene.


Crustless Kale & Feta Quiche With Greek Yogurt

I am back. I can breathe out of my nose. It basically feels like the first day of spring. I want to click my heels and dance with my hands waving in the air. I want to do jumping jacks.  I want to bake cookies. I want to do anything that is not struggling to breathe while lying on a couch and watching terrible daytime programming. I want to eat anything but chicken soup. If I eat anymore chicken soup, I fear I will actually transform into a chicken. This would make my cooking/blogging life difficult. Wings don’t have thumbs, making it very hard to type and even harder to lift things like pots or baking sheets.
Enough of that. I haven’t left the house for more than ten minutes at a time in the last six days. Forgive all preposterous declarations of what life would be like if I was indeed a blogging chicken. It would be hard, that’s all I am sayin’.  Also, I would probably not make you things like quiche. Chickens don’t eat quiche. Aren’t you happy I am not a chicken? […]