So…Thanksgiving Happened | A Pie Recovery Salad

So…Thanksgiving happened.

Like most years it started off with my early day mantra of “I’m so not going to overeat this year”.  Fast forward to 6pm.  I am breathing heavily with a case of the ham sweats. Fast forward even further to 10pm. I am sitting at home eating my second piece of leftover cake.  It got real. The big sweatpants came out.

The next morning I had gluten-free stuffing and eggs.  Later that evening my husband threw me a birthday party where I decided it would be wise to stuff my face with tortilla chips and spinach dip and then drink like I was peg-legged sailor. Super real. Did I mention there was a dark chocolate and peanut butter cup gluten-free masterpiece of a cake AND creme brulee? I totally ate both. […]

Happy Thanksgiving, Friends!

Just a quick post to wish you all the most fabulous of Turkey Days.  I am so thankful for all of you!  Thanks for dropping by and hanging out with me here, whether it be on the daily (Hi, Mom!) or just a visit every now and then.  You all rock my socks, like whoa.
Wishing each of you happy, sleep […]

Gobble Prep | A Recipe Perv Fest

Thanksgiving is a mere two days away.  It’s crunch time.  I am not hosting Thanksgiving this year and have only been tasked with the job of bringing the cranberry sauce.  This is both delightful and a little bit disappointing.  On one hand, I have been lusting after all of the wonderful recipes floating around out there.  One day I want a reason to make a Turducken.  I honestly don’t know if I want to eat it, but I feel like it is something that is on my culinary bucket list. How many meats can we Frankenstein together into a turkey? Sounds like a challenge, and I like a healthy challenge.
On the flip side of this thanksgiving hosting conundrum I basically get to show up, pop my cranberry sauce in the fridge, perhaps stir some gravy and then stuff my face with succulent meats and their delicious counterparts.  It’s a sweet deal.  I haven’t blogged much about my thanksgiving preparations and now you know why… cranberry sauce.  That’s it folks.  Did I mention that I had to ask if I could bring the cranberry sauce?  Yes, that is right… I could have shown up with nothing…or maybe just a four pack of Martinelli’s.  I am living a cushy Thanksgiving dream here. […]