Grain-Free Lemon Apricot Yogurt Cake + How Social Media Makes Me Feel Like A Big Fat Failure

Hello. How are you? I made you cake.

In truth, I made you this cake months ago, but I didn’t share it with you then. Rude. I know.

More truth.

I have two speeds when I’m overwhelmed. The first speed is the high speed of my Kitchen Aid mixer making something superfluous, or the low and slow bubbling of something rich and comforting (read: this eggplant parm). Yeah, the first speed happens somewhere in my kitchen. The second speed isn’t really a speed at all. It looks more like a scared, paralyzed possum who’s instinctively playing dead.  Yes, this is perhaps the slowest speed. It’s a dead (er…playing dead) stop. This is one functional step above lying on the floor of your closet with the lights off and the door closed, foraging a bed out of your impressively large worn-out sweater collection. […]

Beet, Honey & Yogurt Smoothie

How is everyone’s guacamole hangover going? You know what they say… the best way to cure a hangover is to eat some guacamole in the shower. Or was that drink a beer in the shower? I can never remember. Perhaps do both to cover your bases. Tortilla chips in the shower are not recommended, however, as they tend to get soggy when mixed with water. You’re going to have to go at it with a spoon. NBD.

So, this weekend I made one of these:

Oh, Emma. […]

Broccoli Fritters With Lemon Yogurt Dipping Sauce | Gluten Free

I have a tendency to overbuy my vegetables.

This time it was broccoli. I got jazzed about it. It looked so good. Tiny little green trees begging to be steamed. Who fantasizes about cooking broccoli? Apparently, this girl. I tend to go to the grocery store at 8am, pre-breakfast. This is most likely a poor practice, since I am hungry. I am fairly sure this is how bacon seems to land in my cart effortlessly each week.  Besides the hunger factor, I LOVE the grocery store in the early morning. It’s usually deserted. I can raid the spinach and kale section without people looking at me funny. I can stand in the nut aisle and just gaze and ponder without someone trying to hustle me to get to the hazelnuts. It’s the best. You also tend to see some people who are really serious about their grocery haul. I once saw a woman with her cart filled to the brim solely with prune juice. Curious. […]