Bourbon Spiked BBQ Sauce {Gluten-Free & Paleo}

Alright, so I made BBQ Sauce. From scratch. *Queue the triumphant music a la Chariots of Fire.* Dramatic, yes. Can you tell I’ve just impressed myself? Because, I’m feeling like a proud peacock. That’s right. I wanna open up my big peacock man-tail and strut it around in all of its fanned-out glory. I have to be a dude peacock in this scenario because the females don’t have those wondrous fancy tails. Bummer. Oh, well. But yeah… I’m humble-bragging over condiments. This is happening right now. I’ve never been one to question condiments and their construction. Sure, maybe I dislike that my ketchup has so much sugar in it, but I’ve never been moved to make my own. Mustard? Forget about it. It seems painstaking. Note: I have no idea what I’m talking about. I’ve never actually looked up how to make either of those things. I think that might prove my point best of all. I’ve just never really taken much stake in making my condiments from scratch. Go ahead, roll your eyes. Give me the what for. I know a lot of people that make something called “Probiotic Ketchup“. I hang out with a lot of fellow, real foodie, hippie-types. I understand I’m behind the curve on these matters. What I’m about to do doesn’t include probiotics or fermentation… but, it is going to involve BOURBON. Did I kind of go the other way with that one? Maybe. But, let’s just go with it. One winter morning, I found myself in a meaty conundrum. I had recently come into some brisket. What does one do with a hunk of brisket? I’ll tell you what. They slather it in BBQ sauce and slow cook the heck out of it. Perfect. I was all in. However, I was all OUT of … Continue reading Bourbon Spiked BBQ Sauce {Gluten-Free & Paleo}