Crock-Pot Carne Asada Lettuce Wraps

Don’t you love it when dinner pretty much makes itself? All hail the crock-pot! It’s been a very useful tool for me lately. As I mentioned before, I’ve been trying out eating Paleo for 30 days. I think I’m somewhere in week three. It’s been way less complain-worthy than I thought it was going to be. Sure, I might want to put goat-cheese on almost everything, but I resist the urge. Also, full disclosure…there might have been some light cheating. One night I ate out at this restaurant and caved at the truffle-infused mashed potatoes. Seriously, no regrets. They were everything I hoped for and more. Also, I might have had a whiskey sour a couple of days ago. Oh, and a hard apple cider last night. Hmm… maybe I am not doing this right. Oh, well. I do what I can. Sometimes a girl needs a whiskey. So, the crock-pot is my friend. I’ve been cooking up batches of yummy shredded meats and adding them to things like eggs, or salads, or even eating them plain and cold straight from the fridge. I do that. I have a tendency to eat leftovers without heating them back up, especially if it’s any kind of steak. I get too excited and can’t seem to find the time to make it warm before it miraculously lands in my mouth. If there was a steak-loving Muppet equivalent to Cookie Monster, I would be that one. One hundred percent. My brain is ramble-y and full of Muppets this morning. I like how I am pretending that this is different from other mornings. It’s not. If you look inside my brain, it would most likely look something like this. Accurate. Let’s transition back to dinner. (See? Ramble-y!) Dinner is totally going to cook itself for you. You are going to throw things in … Continue reading Crock-Pot Carne Asada Lettuce Wraps