So, we did it. We made it to the weekend. *Clicking heels together!!*
Maybe you had a rough week. Maybe you felt like you couldn’t get ahead. Maybe you got egg yolk in your freshly washed hair…twice. Maybe you made a holistic decision to try and cure your sinus headaches with peppermint oil. Maybe you used too much. Maybe you somehow managed to get that peppermint oil not only UP your nose, but also all over your lips and in your eyes. Maybe the only way to remedy the burning in this situation was to put Greek yogurt on a couple of Q-tips and shove the Q-tips up your nose. Maybe (definitely) your dog insists on humping your leg if you look at her the wrong way. The mother and daughter relationship starts to get weird. She’s five months now, and her hormones are flowing free. You wish you could just leave a copy of “Are You There God, It’s Me Margaret” in her crate, but she never learned to read human.
Maybe this is just uniquely my week. Maybe not. I am sure you have had your very own set of trials, tribulations and TPS reports.
Either way, it’s the weekend. The troubles of the week are over. The peppermint oil has stopped burning the inside of my nose and the corners of my eyes. There is no egg yolk in my hair today (yet). The dog will continue to hump me, but you can’t win em’ all right? Things are looking up.
What do you say we have a cocktail together? Yes? Perfect.
I have just reunited with Gin. My husband and I bought a bottle last weekend and both agree that it goes down nicely. Flowery and smooth.
Here is the easy as pie cocktail that we concocted. (BTW, why do we say “Easy As Pie?” Pie isn’t that easy. How about easy as a PB&J?)
You will need:
1 to 2 shots of Gin (It’s a Saturday. No judgements.)
Juice of 1/2 a lime
Fill the rest of your glass with pomegranate soda.
Put all of your ingredients into a glass with plenty of ice. Stir it up. Or Shake it in a shaker. No biggie.
Garnish with a lime wedge
Sip on your Gin and Juice
Crank up some music with a lot of bass
Have a dance party
CHEERS, FRIENDS!! Have a fantastic Saturday.

wawoo… so yumyy…. thank you for sharing this juice recipe information.