Beet and Parsnip Chocolate Cake | Gluten Free

It’s good to have creative friends.

My friend Becca over at The Dabblist posted a recipe for Chocolate Almond Molten Beet Cakes.  I died. They looked so gooey and wonderful.  The color of red velvet.  Oh, and they are made with beets.  No big deal.  When I saw that post I got really fired up.  I wanted to bake with my beets.  I wanted to beet it. Does that sound dirty?  Stop it.  Get your mind out of the gutter.  I immediately went to my pantry and surveyed my ingredients. I didn’t have all of the things that I needed to make her exact cakes.  I did a quick google search.  No, I didn’t google search “Beet It”.  I suggest you don’t either.  Or do.  Tell me what you find. […]

So…Thanksgiving Happened | A Pie Recovery Salad

So…Thanksgiving happened.

Like most years it started off with my early day mantra of “I’m so not going to overeat this year”.  Fast forward to 6pm.  I am breathing heavily with a case of the ham sweats. Fast forward even further to 10pm. I am sitting at home eating my second piece of leftover cake.  It got real. The big sweatpants came out.

The next morning I had gluten-free stuffing and eggs.  Later that evening my husband threw me a birthday party where I decided it would be wise to stuff my face with tortilla chips and spinach dip and then drink like I was peg-legged sailor. Super real. Did I mention there was a dark chocolate and peanut butter cup gluten-free masterpiece of a cake AND creme brulee? I totally ate both. […]

Happy Thanksgiving, Friends!

Just a quick post to wish you all the most fabulous of Turkey Days.  I am so thankful for all of you!  Thanks for dropping by and hanging out with me here, whether it be on the daily (Hi, Mom!) or just a visit every now and then.  You all rock my socks, like whoa.
Wishing each of you happy, sleep […]

Apple Coffee Cake | Gluten Free

I can’t really take credit for this one. This would be the brain child of one Betty Crocker. No joke.  I googled what I could do with the remains of my Gluten Free Bisquick and I found a recipe that has the words “Impossibly Easy” in the title.  It was a done deal.  Not only were they claiming that it would be easy, but impossibly so.

This could make a lovely Thanksgiving breakfast.

I figured all of you lovely people could use something IMPOSSIBLY easy right about now. Heck, I could use something easy, and I am only making cranberry sauce. Between getting your turkey in a brine, or lacing up your turkducken and the stuffing prep and the three different types of pie you got going on you deserve something that pretty much makes itself.  Do you have flour on your face right now? That is how I imagine everyone today. Perhaps because that is pretty much what I look like in the kitchen…Nay, in life. I am the girl that takes a shower and then manages to get salsa in her hair two minutes later. What am I doing eating salsa two minutes after showering? Great question.  I wish I had an answer for you other than…snacks. […]