Love Letters

This is what a love letter looks like in my house:

Super Obese Prairie Dog
Everyone has their own thing, right? In the mornings my husband will leave me a computer window full of images such as these which he finds in the AWW section of reddit.  This is what was there this morning: […]

Pumpkin Pie Breakfast Shake

Good Morning, Friends!

I don’t know about you all, but I’m up early. This whole daylight savings hoopla has got me running on a geriatric schedule. I go to bed at 9:30. And by go to bed, I mean pass out in a puddle of my own drool on the couch without warning. It’s something to behold. When my body is tired, it goes down for the count. I realize that this explanation sounds similar to narcolepsy. Funny. Or is it? Should I get this checked out? Meh.

Naturally, since I have clocked out early, I am waking up before the sun is out. I get up, inconveniencing our dog. She’s tired. She doesn’t understand this nonsense. Not a morning dog.  Typical teenager. […]

Apple Pie Cheesecakes | Gluten Free

It’s Friday.  We’ve pretty much made it.  The weekend is only hours away. You know what you need? (Besides the obvious cocktail and maybe a nap.) You need one (but in all honesty, three) of these mini cheesecakes in your face. You really do.  Your thighs might disagree, and I get it, my thighs tend to be of the disagreeable sort… but, tell your thighs to can it.  You can eat kale tomorrow.  Today is for cheesecake.

When I came across this recipe from the lovely Tracy at Shutterbean, I knew I had to make it.  The only challenge was to make it gluten-free…But, that was not going to dissuade me from making these beauties.   I replaced the graham crackers in the crust with gluten-free gingersnaps.  I also modified a few ingredients based on what I had in my pantry at home.  But really, other than a few minor tweaks, I stayed pretty true to the original. […]

Butternut Squash and Roasted Grape Salad

I let myself loose in the farmers market this past weekend.  It’s a dangerous thing to do.  I always want everything.  There is just so much bounty there.  You want squash?  They have every kind.  Fruit? Don’t even get me started.  Three bunches of hearty greens for four dollars?  YUP.  SOLD.  I strategically avoid the areas where they sell the meat and fancy cheeses, because that could be a problem for me. They are deliciously pricey.  I want them.  All of them. There is also an area where I only let myself go occasionally that sells goat milk ice cream and a booth that sells gluten free cinnamon coffee cake.  Obviously, I want those things too.  I am not shy.  I love food.

This time, I gave myself a budget of twenty bucks and it was off to the races.  We were done shopping when the money ran out.  We got a bunch of grapes, pomegranates, persimmons,beets, delicata squash,kale, chard, collards, some pickling cucumbers and some dill.  Oh, and I also treated myself to a gluten free crepe with bacon and tomatoes. ( I obviously did not strategically avoid that aisle hard enough.) The husband got some coffee.  We sat in the sun on that unseasonably warm Sunday and chatted it up with a good friend and her beautiful baby girl.  It was a lovely way to spend a morning. […]