Wilted Kale & Coconut Salad


If you are anything like me, you most likely took a fork to the brownie pan yesterday.

You were amped. There was a sugar-mania in which you scrubbed your shower and your entire bathroom area. Jeez, you are efficient! You started laundry. By the time the dryer beeped you developed a case of what I like to refer to as “the sugar sweats.” Your feverish mania starts to break. You start to crash. Things get real. You need a nap. You know you did it to yourself. Those brownies deserved it. It’s the holidays. You take the laundry out. You start by folding all the towels. Gosh, that laundry is warm. Maybe you will just lay in it for a minute. You wake up thirty minutes later in a pile of clean laundry. Your cat is on your chest, looking pleased with herself. You realize you left your puppy in the living room with your Christmas tree…oy.

If you are anything like me, today you need to eat a whole bunch of kale and drink a whole bunch of water. […]

So…Thanksgiving Happened | A Pie Recovery Salad

So…Thanksgiving happened.

Like most years it started off with my early day mantra of “I’m so not going to overeat this year”.  Fast forward to 6pm.  I am breathing heavily with a case of the ham sweats. Fast forward even further to 10pm. I am sitting at home eating my second piece of leftover cake.  It got real. The big sweatpants came out.

The next morning I had gluten-free stuffing and eggs.  Later that evening my husband threw me a birthday party where I decided it would be wise to stuff my face with tortilla chips and spinach dip and then drink like I was peg-legged sailor. Super real. Did I mention there was a dark chocolate and peanut butter cup gluten-free masterpiece of a cake AND creme brulee? I totally ate both. […]