Balela | A Recipe For Friendship


I made a new friend! *clicking heels* (Note: I can’t actually click my heels in real life.  I can, however,  high five enthusiastically and dance spastically to anything with a beat.  Salt N’ Pepa preferred.)

Making awesome new friends is a big deal.

When we were kids making friends was easy.  We were all thrown into a small space to learn things together.  We complimented each other’s slap bracelets or New Kids on The Block T-shirts and BAM, friendship.  Easy. We go to middle school and we all bond over boys and baby doll T-shirts and an intense love for the band TLC (maybe this was uniquely my experience, I won’t put that on you.  I WILL say that I subscribed to VIBE magazine for a suspiciously long amount of time.) We travel onto high school where it is more boys, tight pants, musical theater,  Cliffs Notes, and the notion that parents simply just don’t understand.  College comes around, and every one of us freshman is so freaked out that you have instant besties by day one.  It’s almost like you grab onto the first person you see (usually your roommate) and figuratively (or literally) hold hands and walk the mean halls together.  Of course, by the first week of college, you usually realize that you have made a rash decision by adhering yourself  onto the first person you came in contact with.  Maybe that person turns out to be selling drugs out of your dorm room closet.  Maybe they decide to cook very suspect and fragrant ethnic foods in the room using nothing but your rented microwave and a rice cooker.  But, no worries… everyone is on the hunt for new besties.  Your people are out there.   You find them. […]

Homebody Halloween | Cinnamon Sugar Pumpkin Seeds

Happy Halloween,  Human Friends, Bear Friends, Ghoul Friends and Everyone in between!

Admittedly, this year I have been a bit of a Halloween bummer.  It completely snuck up on me.  There was no costume planning.  There was no party planning.  I wasn’t one of the people that put out spooky spider webs or cardboard graveyards on their lawn.  There was, however, some long pauses made in a very well stocked candy aisle at Target. Oh, and some lingering on Etsy for pet costumes. Nothing was purchased (biggest Halloween regret?  Yup.) That is about as far as I went this year. […]

Cheesy Cauliflower Bake

 When the seasons start to change, and the weather starts to shift, I find myself going into hibernation mode. I nest. I start to do things like organize weird, neglected cabinets in the house and bake pumpkin scones. I want to be comfortable and warm and cozy.  I want to stuff my face with cheese and starch.  I want to break out my husbands over-sized, fleece sweatpants and make them acceptable to wear in public.  Let’s redefine sexy.  Right? This probably won’t happen, but I am still hoping.  Hey, Pajama Jeans happened, and no one saw that coming.  There’s  a chance.

I am off topic. […]

Gin & Juice With Pomegranate and Lime

So, we did it.  We made it to the weekend.  *Clicking heels together!!*
Maybe you had a rough week.  Maybe you felt like you couldn’t get ahead.  Maybe you got egg yolk in your freshly washed hair…twice.  Maybe you made a holistic decision to try and cure your sinus headaches with peppermint oil.  Maybe you used too much.  Maybe you somehow managed to get that peppermint oil  not only UP your nose, but also all over your lips and in your eyes.  Maybe the only way to remedy the burning in this situation was to put Greek yogurt on a couple of Q-tips and shove the Q-tips up your nose.  Maybe (definitely) your dog insists on humping your leg if you look at her the wrong way.   The mother and daughter relationship starts to get weird. She’s five months now, and her hormones are flowing free.  You wish you could just leave a copy of “Are You There God, It’s Me Margaret” in her crate, but she never learned to read human. […]