Happy Valentines Day, Friends! I hope you’re feeling loved today, because I love the heck out of you. Yeah, that’r right. I’m dropping L-bombs all over the place. Shouting it from the rooftops. Standing outside your window with a boombox. Getting together with some of my internet friends and giving away a sexy 14 cup food processor. You know, all the classic affectionate gestures.
Since my husband is out of the country on business being all fancy and schmancy, this is going to be my first Valentines Day alone in nine years. We’re not crazy about Valentines Day, so we morphed it into the much more exciting holiday which we aptly named Steak and Lobster Day. It’s exactly what it sounds like. I wrote about it last year when I made you these waffles. It feels weird not celebrating this year. Someone should be here to look lovingly into my eyes as we eat steak. #Marriage. But alas, It’s just not in the cards this year. So, you, my friends get to be my valentines. I hope you’re cool with that. Should I pass you one of those notes where you can check off Yes, No or Maybe? I can live with a Maybe. Or we could just make one four of these desserts from my Valentines Day Recipe Round-Up and express our affection with donuts. Perhaps I will make donuts be my valentine this year. Totally normal.
So, I’ve teamed up with some of my lovely blogger friends in order to spread the love and give one of our lucky readers a sweet gift! This Cuisinart 14 cup food processor is giving me some serious food processor envy. Think of all the things you could process!! ALL the things. Think about all the Cauliflower Pizza Crust and Pesto! Ooooh, or how about some Plantain Brownies?
Just use the Rafflecopter widget below to enter! It works just like an old fashioned raffle. The more times you enter by opting to like our Facebook or Pinterest pages, the more likely you are to win! Super simple. Also, if you haven’t already considered signing up for my weekly newsletter, I hope you’ll sign up below. I send out a weekly newsletter to all of my followers that keep you up to date with new posts and fun things like giveaways or special offers! It’s a good time. I promise.
Make sure to check out the other lovely bloggers that are responsible for this giveaway! These are some of my favorite people on the interwebs! Happy Valentines Day, Friends! I truly love and appreciate each and every one of you. xoxox

So what you’re saying is, it WON’T be weird that I’m standing outside your doorstep right now…. with a lobster on one arm and a cow on the other.
I don’t want to spoil the surprise, but I’ve arranged for John Cusack to be delivered to your front lawn. Target was all out of boomboxes (something about it being 2014), so he’ll be holding an old produce box Tempera-painted black with two circles of window screen hot glued to the front. Just didn’t want you to be too startled. PS – I love you too and thanks for letting me play along!
That girl, with melted chocolate in her bra and kale chips in her pants, alone on Valentines day? “She’s F-ing stupid” – said NO ONE ever!!! Um, I really seriously wish we could have steak and lobster together tonight, my love. Why can’t you be closer? I adore you and I cannot wait till we can be together again and act out all of our favorite emojiis in the real life. Dancing girls, the octopus in a top hat, cat eating honey. ALL of the emoji. xoxo Love you girl!
Dear Gina,
You’re one of my fave people in life that I’ve never actually met in real life. What can we do about that? Keep rockin’ in the free world sister, cause you’re bringing smiles to faces all over the place.
Teamwork makes the dreamwork,