There’s a Blog Tour of sorts going on, and it’s all about writing! Did you just read that sentence and go “Uh, what the heck is a blog tour? Do I get to visit your house? I feel confused.” Don’t worry, I had no idea what it was either until I got a sweet email from my friend Ellen. Ellen writes the blog In My Red Kitchen. She’s Dutch. I married a Dutchman. We like to bond over our love of all things Dutch (see: eating CHOCOLATE sprinkles on TOAST — yes, that’s real).
Anyway, she explained to me that a blog tour was a way to connect readers to blogs they might have never found, all while learning a little bit about the blogger who is writing the post. At the end of your post, you pass the torch to another blogger. Does that make sense? I’m not sure it does. Are you guys onto me yet that I don’t really know what I’m doing. Shhh. Don’t tell Ellen. I’m going to answer a series of questions that she sent me and hope I’m doing this right. Ready. Set. GO!
What are you working on?
I’m assuming this question is about my blog. If not, I am currently working on finishing a plate of eggs while typing. It’s harder than it sounds. As far as the blog goes, I have a lot of things in the works. Firstly, there’s a redesign coming soon! I am working with a friend of mine to give this little blog of mine a much needed face-lift. Just a gentle one. Like a half face lift. Not like a Joan Rivers face lift. Don’t worry. There is also talk of a podcast and perhaps doing a cooking show. When I say there are “talks” of these things, I mean I am talking to myself in my own brain about doing them. You gotta start somewhere. I am also scheming and dreaming with my friend Emily to bring you guys something special this summer. Yes, this is totally an excuse for us to get together and eat a ton of food. You’re not wrong.
But, mostly I am working on more posts to deliver to you crazy-awesome peeps! I’m also sharing a bit of my crazy over at The Kitchn. Oh, and maybe getting caught up on my Newsletter. Can I take this moment to apologize for being approximately FIVE MILLION years behind on that? It’s totally not you, It’s me. It’s been a wild year. But, that’s for another post.
Oh, did I mention I am working on completing a Whole 30? I haven’t eaten cheese in TWENTY days thus far. I’ve been blogging some honest recap posts. You can check out Week One HERE and Week Two HERE.
How does your work differ from others in its genre?
This is kind of a difficult question. There are gazillions of food bloggers. I’m serious. Have you been on Pinterest lately? It’s a food blogging cornucopia. Furthermore, there are a lot of really GREAT food bloggers out there just being awesome at what they do.
I guess If I had to set myself apart I would say my writing tends to be very honest. I like to find the humor in every day situations. Some of them might be kind of embarrassing, but hey, I think we can all relate. It feels good to connect with people on this level. We’re all just humans doing our best, and sometimes that best can get weird. Sometimes there is food in my bangs. Sometimes I accidentally open the door without pants on. Sometimes I sing Baby Got Back out loud in line at the grocery store. Sometimes (like, lots of times) I’ve found a melted M&M in my bra. My goal is to create a space where it would feel like we’re actually hanging out (hence that ol’ blog name), I want to chat with you like you’re a couple of friends sitting in my living room. I’m a pretty open book and I’m glad I can share it with you!

Back when my husband and I were babies. Guzzling Thai Iced Tea. Making food memories and sugar highs!
Why do you write what you do?
You know those moments of connection you might have at the dinner table? Growing up we almost always sat down for dinner as a family. This was the time where we could connect about our day, chat about life, tell stories and often laugh our behinds off. I find that food to me is a type of storytelling. It’s all of those moments at the dinner table, or all of the luau’s that my grandparents have prepared with their own two hands. It’s pizza at grandpa’s house. It’s visiting my grandma in New York, going to Broadway shows and eating large plates of piping-hot lasagna. It’s the meatballs I made the night I got engaged. It’s drinking an entire bottle of Arbor Mist with your best girlfriend at a college party (yikes). Food creates such strong memories for me and continues to inspire and grow my story. I consider my blog to be a whole lot of food, a side of storytelling and big scoop of honest nonsense. Did I answer that question? I feel like I mostly just said things about meatballs. Typical.
How does your writing process work?
It depends on what I’m writing. If I am writing a blog post, those tend to be very conversational and written on a whim. I will wake up, make myself some tea, sit down and just regurgitate all the words that seem to come into my brain. I wish I had a cooler process like copying everything from a pricey leather bound notebook that I scribble in using a calligraphy pen… but, no. But, if I run into writers block I will grab a composition book and a pen, doodle a bunch of bears and write out a bunch of junk until the juices start flowing again. Try it. Get out a piece of lined paper and write whatever comes to mind. For example it could look like this:
I cant believe I am writing in this journal right now, I have a lot of things that I have to do. Why do I have writers block. Socks. Blocks. Socks. Rhyming is kind of fun. I really want to eat a piece of cake, but I can’t. I wonder what kind of cake Lady Gaga eats? Do you think she eats cake? I think she does. Maybe she sneaks it. Sneaky. I am very very sneaky, sir. Why does Mr. Deeds have such a low Rotten Tomatoes score? This is going to be posted on the internet. Ugh. I shouldn’t have done this example. Now you guys know that I really like Mr. Deeds. Is that so wrong? Blee blooop.
So, there’s that. Life changing, I know. I will cop to spending more time on serious pieces. Yes, I write those too. Like this one about saying goodbye to my childhood kitchen.
Alright! It’s time to pass this torch.
I’m passing things along to one Kristen Hedges. She writes the kind of words that hit you right in the feelings. I don’t have much time anymore to read ALL the blogs that I love, but I always set aside a bit of time, with a cup of tea and read her stories. She’s a seriously beautiful human being and stunning, honest writer. I hope that you fall in love with her too. You can read her stories HERE.
Also, she’s silly. You’re going to want to be her friend.
Give her a follow around the web! Tell her I sent you!

I love this, Gina! So nice to learn more about how you come up with your (wonderful!) words. I’m half Dutch (my dad is Dutch and my mum is British) and I totally get the sprinkles on toast thing.. the ‘vlokken’ (big ones!) are the best! And have you tried the ones where you get white chocolate shapes as surprises too? 🙂
You did great Gina, love it! Well I guess you did great because I also had no idea what I was doing, haha! But I loved participating anyhow 😛
And thank you Alessandra, now I crave vlokken… I knew I should have brought them home after visiting the Netherlands a few ago!
Love it! You are one funny lady. I’m excited to have found some more of your yummy recipes to try through this post!
This is tops, lady. Can’t wait to get our nosh on this summah – it’s gonna be all sorts of awesome, but then again, I wouldn’t expect anything less from you, pretty lady. And food in your forehead hair stuffs is bangin.’ That’s precisely why they’re called bangs. (FACT.) <3 <3 <3
Such a fun interview Gina, I loved getting glimpse at what goes on here behind the scenes!
I’m way crazy excited to see what you and Emily have goin’ on – I really love the sounds of this collaboration. Oh yeah – and I like you, food in bangs and all.
[…] I was there, my darling internet pal Gina, of So… Let’s Hang Out, shot me an email & told me about a Blog Tour that she was participating in. In a nutshell, […]
Ahhh! I found your blog because of Kristen! I think this blog tour idea is perfect! I have been looking for some new blogs. 🙂 This is exciting. And you look super precious with coconut flour in your bangs. 😉
So glad you found me! Welcome! 🙂