BLT Breakfast Salad With Soft Boiled Eggs & Avocado

So I’ve been meaning to tell you…

I’ve been eating salad for breakfast.  It’s true. I wrote an entire post with my best breakfast salad tips and tricks over here.

The truth is, I’ve never been a breakfast traditionalist.  It’s not that I am opposed to breakfast food at all. In fact, I love it. I just don’t let “breakfast rules” limit where the morning is allowed to go. I’m not going to freak out if breakfast looks a lot like lunch or dinner, ya dig? Where some people find the idea of eating last night’s soup pretty gross, I find it to be pretty great. Depending on how long you’ve been hanging out over here, you know that I relish in the mornings where there is a leftover steak in the fridge. Yes, I will gnaw it cold and straight off the bone. No, I will not make a plate. Yes, I am an animal. Just listening to my body, one weird meal at a time.  […]

Cucumber + Mint Limeade | Celebrating Pure Ella’s Virtual Baby Shower!

Hey! Today we’re celebrating our dear friend, the writer of the strikingly beautiful blog Pure Ella! Since Ella is expecting a brand new little one, we’ve decided to throw her a virtual baby shower! Maybe we can’t all get together in person and stuff our face with pretty food while rubbing her cute prego-belly, but that’s not going to keep us from celebrating. We’re rocking this baby shower virtual-style. We’re raising our glasses in front of the computer, wearing pajamas while totally thinking about the cute party dress we’d wear in real life. Oh, and I’m totally bringing the mocktails. […]

Crock-Pot Kalua Chicken Tacos With Chili Lime Mango Salsa

Last weekend we moved.

There is a slow and heavy chaos that comes with moving. A tired sort of chaos. The kind of chaos where your arms and your back start to ache so you just shove boxes labeled “Gina’s Shoes” into the guest bathroom next to the shower. Your box labeled “Super Important Office Stuff” is buried somewhere in a sea of boxes in the garage, most likely under my childhood doll furniture. I still can’t find my favorite bra. It’s getting weird. We’ll figure it out later. The kitchen is unpacked. The living room seems livable. We’re moving through the moving process. Let’s just not talk about the office. Or the bedroom. Or the guest room.

Let’s just not talk. Let’s eat. That sounds best. […]

Green Spinach Lemonade

I’m in the process of moving.

That’s going to be a completely different post. I don’t have enough time or enough space in this post to cram in all of those feelings–because there’s lots and lots of feelings. They’re those deep feelings that come with spurts of ugly crys and a sinking sensation in one’s chest. I’m not ready to go.

My life has been a whirlwind of moving boxes and Goodwill donations (why the heck was I hanging onto that pair of distressed stretchy lace-up denim from high school? Bye bye. I hope you fulfill your denim destiny on some other misguided tween). In a final push of not wanting to do a big grocery shop right before we have to depart from here, my food life has been weird. It’s been handfuls of granola and apples dipped in peanut butter. There’s been store bought seaweed salad, green smoothies from Whole Foods and take out from Chipotle… not to mention that entire gluten-free pizza I stress-guzzled over the weekend. It’s all a big mess. So, I’m posting this green drink because this is what would be good for me. I could hide in one of the larger moving boxes, sip on some veggie-laced lemonade and gently weep. Sound like a good Tuesday? Ugh. I should stop talking.

Moving sucks. […]