Jalapeño & Grapefruit Margaritas

This week. Let’s talk about it.

It started off with the glaring realization Christmas is hurling itself towards my face with lots of velocity, force, mass and all of those other science-y terms.

I shouldn’t be surprised. Christmas comes every single year. It even comes on the same day every single year. Yet I still find myself in an anxious and stressed out state of Christmas denial EVERY SINGLE YEAR. Note to self: Breathe. Calm down. Go watch Sister Act 2 for the third time this week. It helps. Something about that dude wearing overall jean shorts while singing (nay, rapping) Joyful Joyful never fails to turn your frown upside down.  […]

12 Grain-Free Christmas Treats

Christmas is coming, amiright? It’s hurling towards us at warp speeds. I haven’t bought or made a single gift. I don’t know what I will be baking. I’m in stage four Christmas denial. I know, I know. I don’t want to talk about it.
But,  in my quest to un-denial myself (I don’t think that’s a thing), I teamed up with some of my blogging buddies to bring you 12 grain-free Christmas treats! Enjoy! Okay… let’s go drown our worries in cookies and cake. You in? […]

Cinnamon Maple Bourbon Sour | A Holiday Cocktail

Note: This post was written under the influence of a Cinnamon Maple Bourbon Sour. Although delicious, they may influence you to write an open and loving dialogue directly to Bourbon itself. I just thought you should know. I apologize if you feel awkward. I know I do. Carry on…

Hello, Bourbon.

Funny to run into you here. We just keep on meeting like this, don’t we? I’m into it.  I’d much rather run into you than say, Mike’s Hard Lemonade. I ran into that dude a lot in college. He was a real headache. So, what I’m trying to say is… It’s nice to see you.

It’s no secret you’re one of my favorites. I’ve infused you with apples and you helped me celebrate my birthday. I’ve poured you over muddled raspberries in the summertime. I’ve mixed you with champagne in times of celebration. We’ve been through a lot together. I sometimes just keep it simple and sip you straight up. After all, you’re just as pretty without all that makeup (I hear flattery gets you everywhere–is it working?). […]

Bacon & Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookies {Gluten-Free}

To say you don’t like cookies, would be like saying you don’t like happiness. Or puppies. Or air to breathe. Sure, there’s probably a variety of cookie you may avoid due to preference, allergies, or dietary restrictions – but who the heck doesn’t like the idea of a cookie?

I LOVE cookies.When I was young, we used to buy a big tub of cookie dough at Costco, which my brother and I would attack with a spoon (salmonella be damned!). I used to take a to-go box from my college cafeteria, and fill the entire thing with fresh-baked cookies. I’d go so far as to say that most of life’s problems can be calmed with a fresh-baked chocolate chip cookie and a glass of milk (or almond milk in the case of my early-30’s, late-onset lactose intolerance). There’s a great scene in the film Stranger Than Fiction that covers this idea.

Somehow I am not obese.
