Pump up those beets, pump them UP… while your feet are stompin’, and the beets are pumpin’. Look at here the crowd is jumpin’!!
It’s normal to change Technotronic lyrics to match your green juice recipes, right? Cool. I thought so. Can we remake this video too? Maybe the flashy background could be a bunch of psychedelic beets and we could wear hammer pants that are covered in veggies? Let’s keep all of their dance moves though. That choreography is solid. Bless the 90’s. They were good.
Did I lose some of you? Probably. Just watch the video. It will get your Wednesday movin’. Dare I say it might even pump it up? I said it. Can’t take it back now.
So, this morning I realized out of all of the juicing we have done here, we have never juiced beets together. What?! How is this possible? I love beet juice. We’ve made juice that tasted like a mojito. We’ve definitely juiced carrots. We’ve even juiced a watermelon. We’ve taken beets and blended them into one of the best smoothies of my life. Seriously, that smoothie is something special. I’ve even taken beets and made chocolate cake out of them. Whoa. Yet, I haven’t shared with you my go to beet juice recipe. This just seems wrong. Let’s fist pump and right this wrong together. I’ve got that Technotronic song in my brain so hard that my top half is typing these words to you, but my bottom half is dancing. Pump it up!! Can’t control myself.
We have our juicing staples ready to do their thing, along with some carrots, ginger and a beautiful red beet. We are going to run this all through our juicers and create a SUPER-juice. Beats are so good for you it’s silly. They are powerful liver detox-ers and are full of antioxidants and vitamins. I’ve heard tales of beet juice helping people lower their blood pressure! Pretty neat, right? Either way, I’m totally in, not only because it is healthy, but because it is also delicious. Treat yo’ self. Pump up those BEETS… pump ’em UP. #IWishICouldStop #IDidThisToMyself
I will caution you that your pee might turn red after drinking this here drink. Don’t freak out. Don’t go onto Web MD. You aren’t dying. It’s fine. Breathe. It’s just something beets do to the body. These are all things I wish I was told before I drank my first beet juice. You should’ve seen the flurry of concerned search terms that were being typed into Google. It was dramatic. Am I allowed to talk about pee on a food blog? I don’t know the rules. Is there a handbook for this? Help.
Alrighty. I’m gonna continue dancing to the beet (puns). It’s Wednesday. Wednesdays needs more dancing. Enjoy! xo
Pump Up The Beet Juice
- 1 red beet, washed thoroughly
- 1 inch piece of ginger root
- 1 head of romaine lettuce
- 1 bunch of celery
- 1 English cucumber, peeled
- 1 lemon, peeled
- I apple, cored
- 2 carrots
- Wash and prep all of your items.
- Run them all through your juicer.
- Stir your juice, and put it into airtight containers such as mason jars.
- Drink immediately, or refrigerate and drink within 48 hours.
- Enjoy!

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