Lemon Roasted Salmon With Pepita Pesto Quinoa & Tomatoes

Lately I’ve felt like I’ve been stewing in some sort of creative rut.

The words aren’t flowing freely from my fingers. Perhaps this is why I’ve signed up to write an entire novel in the month of November. Clearly, I’m a glutton for punishment. The graph of my current word count tells me that I will most likely be finishing this “novel” (I use quotations since my “novel” has turned out to be  a collection of non-fiction stories about my very real, very awkward life) sometime around mid December. Nothing inspires a person more than being approximately sixteen days behind on a writing project when you’re already suffering from an intense bout of writer’s block. Can you see my sarcastic-smirk face right now? Because, that. Is hibernation an option for humans? I kind of want to sign up. Maybe they have a month dedicated to napping. Count this girl in.  […]

Slow-Cooker Whole Chicken & Potatoes With Hard Cider Gravy {Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free, Paleo Friendly}

I have a new appreciation for “casual gravy”.

I used to think that gravy was only a thing to be made on fancy occasions. The kind of occasion where we set the table with the “wash by hand” dishes and then soil our almost-formal wear with bits of yams and stuffing. Hmm, clearly as I write this I’m excluding gravy as being used for one occasion: Thanksgiving. Pouring the drippings of the large bird into a pot and making it thick with some sort of roux; this was the whole of my gravy making experience. Fancy holiday gravy to be enjoyed on fancy holiday plates.

Also, just so you know, I once met a clown named Wavy Gravy, We sang some songs together… but, that my friends, in no way relates to edible gravy and is a tale for another day. But, on the scale of gravies, I would dub Wavy Gravy as casual. Just in case you are wondering. […]

How To Make An Awesome Cauliflower Crust Pizza!

There comes a time in every girls life where she finds an extra head of cauliflower in her fridge, converts that head of cauliflower into pizza, and then proceeds to nonchalantly shove that ENTIRE pizza down her pie hole. You know that whole “dance like nobody’s watching” saying we hear so frequently? This is the sneaky-awkward-alone with my feelings on a wednesday-food-blogging-girl equivalent. I ate this pizza like no one was watching (even though my dog watched the whole time–begging–judging–begging). Should we make some “Eat Like Nobody Is Watching” t-shirts? Maybe, yes. Sometimes you just have to let your hair down and go for it. Er… maybe in this case pile your hair into a messy bun on top of your head to avoid any sauce splatter that is headed straight for your coif. Don’t give me that look–like you’ve never gotten a big chunk o’ tomato sauce stuck in the ends of your ponytail. We’re friends. We can admit these things. This is a safe space. We’re in the trust tree. […]

Cinnamon Maple Bourbon Sour | A Holiday Cocktail

Note: This post was written under the influence of a Cinnamon Maple Bourbon Sour. Although delicious, they may influence you to write an open and loving dialogue directly to Bourbon itself. I just thought you should know. I apologize if you feel awkward. I know I do. Carry on…

Hello, Bourbon.

Funny to run into you here. We just keep on meeting like this, don’t we? I’m into it.  I’d much rather run into you than say, Mike’s Hard Lemonade. I ran into that dude a lot in college. He was a real headache. So, what I’m trying to say is… It’s nice to see you.

It’s no secret you’re one of my favorites. I’ve infused you with apples and you helped me celebrate my birthday. I’ve poured you over muddled raspberries in the summertime. I’ve mixed you with champagne in times of celebration. We’ve been through a lot together. I sometimes just keep it simple and sip you straight up. After all, you’re just as pretty without all that makeup (I hear flattery gets you everywhere–is it working?). […]