Balela | A Recipe For Friendship


I made a new friend! *clicking heels* (Note: I can’t actually click my heels in real life.  I can, however,  high five enthusiastically and dance spastically to anything with a beat.  Salt N’ Pepa preferred.)

Making awesome new friends is a big deal.

When we were kids making friends was easy.  We were all thrown into a small space to learn things together.  We complimented each other’s slap bracelets or New Kids on The Block T-shirts and BAM, friendship.  Easy. We go to middle school and we all bond over boys and baby doll T-shirts and an intense love for the band TLC (maybe this was uniquely my experience, I won’t put that on you.  I WILL say that I subscribed to VIBE magazine for a suspiciously long amount of time.) We travel onto high school where it is more boys, tight pants, musical theater,  Cliffs Notes, and the notion that parents simply just don’t understand.  College comes around, and every one of us freshman is so freaked out that you have instant besties by day one.  It’s almost like you grab onto the first person you see (usually your roommate) and figuratively (or literally) hold hands and walk the mean halls together.  Of course, by the first week of college, you usually realize that you have made a rash decision by adhering yourself  onto the first person you came in contact with.  Maybe that person turns out to be selling drugs out of your dorm room closet.  Maybe they decide to cook very suspect and fragrant ethnic foods in the room using nothing but your rented microwave and a rice cooker.  But, no worries… everyone is on the hunt for new besties.  Your people are out there.   You find them. […]

The Graduate

Yesterday was a momentous day in our household. Our five month old Golden Retriever, Emma, graduated from her  “Beginning Puppy” class. I am pretty sure that this was the puppy class equivalent of an alternative, laid-back preschool. The kind of school where you let the kids make the rules and it’s acceptable to  steal the other kids toys because “that’s just the breed.”
Could you imagine if it was like that in real human kid school?  Your kid does something naughty and then they are asked by the teacher  “Wait…what’s your nationality again?  Ooooh…”  I think that would be called discrimination.  However, in the puppy world these things fly. Dogs are held to a whole other standard than humans. It’s a lax life. […]