Dear Friends, I want to introduce you to my amiga Meg! She writes the always beautiful and “OMG, I’M DROOLING ON MY KEYBOARD AGAIN” blog,  Beard & Bonnet! She is one of the first friends that I made in this crazy blogosphere. She wrote a post which casually mentioned her wearing a pizza costume during lunchtime with her toddler. That sealed the deal for me. I imagine us enjoying these Huevos Rancheros Enchiladas together. I’m dressed as a taco. She’s dressed as pizza. We do a jig. This is where my Monday morning brain is going… Enjoy this awesome looking dish, and please stop by her neck of the woods. Tell her I sent you. Costumes are optional, but never discouraged. xox

Hello So…Let’s Hang Out readers, my name is Meg and I write a little gluten free, vegetarian blog called Beard and Bonnet. I am so honored that Gina asked me to share a recipe on her site today, I can’t promise that my post will be nearly as humorous and entertaining as Gina’s, because let’s face it…she is AMAZING! I can promise it will be tasty though and that’s something, right?! I have been cooking and eating vegetarian dishes for over 7 years, but it wasn’t until our son was born with a gluten intolerance 2 1/2 years ago that we delved into the world of gluten free cooking in our home. My husband, Todd and I are artists and designers by trade and since we share design ideas with clients every day, sharing the food that helped to heal our family was a natural transition for us. We have learned a lot in the last year and a half of gluten free living; we learned that both my son and my husband are gluten-intolerant, that we all feel better when eating whole foods and eliminating processed junk foods, and that the blogosphere is full of really supportive amazing people like Gina who have turned into wonderful friends! […]