You guys!! We’re back on the air this week, talking about all the things you probably don’t need to know, and maybe a a few things you do. But, before I dive into the notes, this is the part where I ask you oh so kindly if you’ll do us a solid and rate us or write us a quick review on iTunes. We’d be forever grateful. Seriously. Like, if we had one of those fancy walls where we write people’s names who are important, we’d write your name on it.
- Periscope is a new social media platform where you can hang out with us in real time and ask questions. It’s awkward and terrifying and also a lot of fun. You should come hang out. First download the Periscope app to your phone. Then, search for @SoLetsHangOut and @TastyYummies.
- Generally Periscope is pretty great. But, there was this one time that Gina decided to live stream detoxing her armpits. Barely anyone came. You can catch the replay here and feel embarrassed for her.
- Is it weird to smell like pizza? The answer is probably yes.
- We try our best not to swear on our podcast and keep things family friendly. But, sometimes we just want to be like Thug Kitchen. WARNING: There is language.
- Mean Girls is a great movie. But, it’s also art imitating life. Life lesson: Don’t be a dick to your girlfriends.
- Remember the saga of DOPPELDAD, my dad’s doppelganger? Well, all is revealed in this episode. GET EXCITED.
- This is Matt. He makes amazing drinks. You should follow him here, and maybe here. Or, pre-order his book here.
- Dude. The internet is ruining pizza. Check out this video of them making it into a cone? Or, how about when then turn pizza into PIZZA. STAWWWWWP THE MADDNESS!!
- Oh, if you’re looking for a delicious sugar-filled indulgence– try out my Gluten-Free Funfetti Cake.
- We maybe sing Wilson Phillips one too many times in this episode. I’d apologize… but, meh. You know you wanna sing along.
Thanks so much for hanging out with us!! If you have questions for us, write to us here.

[…] The So… Let’s Hang Out Podcast – This one fills the hole in my heart that was created when the Joy the Baker Podcast stopped updating frequently. Two of my blog friends, besties Gina from So… Let’s Hang Out and Beth from Tasty Yummies, get together to talk about random stuff. Topics include Gina’s doppeldad, armpits that smell like pizza, catfishing and first dates, etc. Both Gina and Beth eat gluten-free for health reasons, so they also touch on that topic a little bit in each episode, but it’s by NO MEANS a “gluten free podcast.” It’s just all kinds of wacky and I love it. FREQUENCY: once or twice a month FAVORITE EPISODE: Episode 7: Pizza Pits & Doppeldads […]