About Gina Marie

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So far Gina Marie has created 328 blog entries.

Dark Chocolate Dipped Peanut Butter Cookies {Gluten-Free}

If there was ever a confectionery love story to be told on the silver screen, it is that of peanut butter and chocolate. […]

Probiotic Mango Lassi Smoothie

Gut reactions. Let’s talk about them.
For instance, my gut reaction when ending a phone conversation is to say “I love you.” This bodes well most of the time since my most frequent phone convos happen between myself and my husband or my mother or my best friend. But, this can prove awkward when trying to end a call with a telemarketer. It might go something like this: “No. I don’t want to take your survey. Please take me off your list. Okay. I love you. Bye.”  Ugh. There it goes, just flying out of my mouth. Do you want to know how many preliminary job interviews or business phone calls I’ve almost ended that way? All of them. I kid you not. I literally start pre-panicking in my head about five minutes before the end of a business conversation and mentally prep myself to not automatically spew my misplaced affections all over the person on the other end of the line. […]

Orange Almond Skillet Cake {Gluten-Free}

In this past year and some months, it’s become increasingly clear the cure for writer’s block is baking a cake…or cookies. Heck, maybe even some scones. Oh, and one time this Shepherds Pie.
Okay, it cures more than just writer’s block. It helps that stuck feeling. That “I have so many things I should be doing—but I can’t seem to process it all, so, what now?” feeling. That “I’ve got five loads of laundry to fold and my dog wont stop barking at the squirrels in our yard and all I really want to do it watch a lot of Bravo TV or hide under a large heap of blankets” feeling.  That “I thought I would get fancy and try to wax my Italian Lady Sideburns off. Oh crap…that didn’t go as planned. Now I have what can only be described as a Blemish-Beard” feeling. True story. Ugh. The regrets. […]

Happy Valentines Day + Enter To Win A Cuisinart 14 Cup Food Processor!

Happy Valentines Day, Friends! I hope you’re feeling loved today, because I love the heck out of you. Yeah, that’r right. I’m dropping L-bombs all over the place. Shouting it from the rooftops. Standing outside your window with a boombox. Getting together with some of my internet friends and giving away a sexy 14 cup food processor. You know, all the classic affectionate gestures.

Since my husband is out of the country on business being all fancy and schmancy, this is going to be my first Valentines Day alone in nine years. We’re not crazy about Valentines Day, so we morphed it into the much more exciting holiday which we aptly named Steak and Lobster Day. It’s exactly what it sounds like.  I wrote about it last year when I made you these waffles. It feels weird not celebrating this year. Someone should be here to look lovingly into my eyes as we eat steak. #Marriage. But alas, It’s just not in the cards this year. So, you, my friends get to be my valentines. I hope you’re cool with that. Should I pass you one of those notes where you can check off Yes, No or Maybe? I can live with a Maybe. Or we could just make one  four of these desserts from my Valentines Day Recipe Round-Up and express our affection with donuts. Perhaps I will make donuts be my valentine this year. Totally normal. […]