About Gina Marie

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So far Gina Marie has created 328 blog entries.

A Homemade Christmas: Rosemary Bath Salts

Christmas is swiftly approaching our doorstep.  I am reminded of this every time I leave the house. There are no longer good times to go shopping. The malls are crowded with families clambering for time with Mall-Santa and fellow last-minute shoppers. Even the grocery store is a battleground. I had to drive to three different stores in my small town yesterday to find shredded coconut. Holiday baking is in FULL swing. Tensions are high. Coconut is scarce.

As much as I love buying people anything and everything, it’s hard on the wallet. Plus, there is a certain sentiment about receiving a homemade gift. It feels extra special.

This is one of the ideas that I came up with recently. […]

Dark Chocolate & Coconut Milk Tart | Gluten Free | Dairy Free


Everyone has a food-allergy-friend.

You might not know it yet, but you do.  It will just happen one day.

This  person will come to your dinner party and exclaim that they cannot eat anything with wheat, dairy, peanuts, or that previously had a face.  You wish they would have told you ahead of time. You look suspiciously at the veal shanks that you have been slow cooking for four hours and feel like you’ve made a huge mistake.  You panic.

I get it.

However, if you’re making veal in a slow cooker, I would like to be your friend. Call me. I bet you like to eat steak for breakfast too. Gosh, we could probably be best friends.

I confess that I’ve totally been that allergy friend. I have whipped out a banana from my purse and eaten it at a work function. There tends to be a lot of gluten at work functions. I like to be prepared. I have the purse of a girl scout. […]

Morning Mojito | Dangerously Delicious Juicing Adventures

I’ve never been a big juicer.

You can listen to me complain about it here.

But, who says people can’t change?

This past week I made it my mission to embrace all that is wonderful in the world of juice. After thanksgiving happened, and I overdosed on cheese and sweets, I was feeling lackluster. It was time to step up my health game. I was ready.

So I loaded up on veggies and fruits for the week, took out my juicer and I haven’t looked back. The juicer has earned its spot on the counter right next to my kitchen aid.

So this particular juice is straight up delicious. It’s like a drinking a mojito, except  no one is going to judge you for tossing this one back at 7:00am on your way to work.  In fact, they might pat you on the back. Good for you.  You drank a whole head of romaine lettuce? You’re a total champ. If you had an actual mojito for breakfast you might get some weird looks on the bus that morning. Someone might comment about how you are sweating rum through your sensible pant suit. You smell like those Pirates of the Caribbean guys look.  Less of a champ. Maybe just stick with the juice version for the work week. Perfect. […]

Apple Cinnamon Whiskey | Musings From A Birthday Girl Mess

This is the whiskey that turns a non-whiskey drinker into a friendly, sloppy, whiskey-filled birthday girl mess.

It is delicious.

You’ll think it’s good enough to drink by the half glass. Don’t bother with what your mother taught you…that whole “Stick with one kind of liquor” nonsense. What does she know? You are twenty-eight now. Total grown-up. You can make decisions. When your girlfriend asks you to have a Skinny Girl Margarita with her, you do it. It’s your freaking’ birthday, right? So what if you switch from tequila to vodka? That should be fine. You are twenty-eight. You know what you are doing. Not your first rodeo.  So what if you’re not a big drinker? You just want to play Dance Central and show off some moves.

How do I know all this? I might have been this birthday girl (yup).

Flash forward to the next morning. […]