Greek Tacos With Lamb & Tzatziki Sauce

Things that I have learned this week:
1) Blow drying your hair while it’s 90 degrees outside is not ideal. You will sweat. A lot. Put on your mascara AFTER you are done if you do not want to look like one of those sad ceramic clown masks from the 80’s. Or heck, let your locks air-dry. You can call your semi-curly mullet “beachy”. It’s totally the season for that. Ugh. It’s a hot mess. Literally.
2) Going to the gym at two in the afternoon is the best. No one is there. Except that one guy, with his button down shirt tucked into his jean shorts. He is looking at your butt. You can see him doing it. There are mirrors everywhere. Okay. Maybe it’s time to change machines. Definitely.
3) I would like to hang out with a Capybara. I imagine us dressing up in matching outfits, walking the streets and dancing to this song. My brain lives in these places. It can get kinda weird in there. […]

Crock-Pot Carne Asada Lettuce Wraps

Don’t you love it when dinner pretty much makes itself? All hail the crock-pot! It’s been a very useful tool for me lately.
As I mentioned before, I’ve been trying out eating Paleo for 30 days. I think I’m somewhere in week three. It’s been way less complain-worthy than I thought it was going to be. Sure, I might want to put goat-cheese on almost everything, but I resist the urge. Also, full disclosure…there might have been some light cheating. One night I ate out at this restaurant and caved at the truffle-infused mashed potatoes. Seriously, no regrets. They were everything I hoped for and more. Also, I might have had a whiskey sour a couple of days ago. Oh, and a hard apple cider last night. Hmm… maybe I am not doing this right. Oh, well. I do what I can. Sometimes a girl needs a whiskey. […]

Broccoli Fritters With Lemon Yogurt Dipping Sauce | Gluten Free

I have a tendency to overbuy my vegetables.

This time it was broccoli. I got jazzed about it. It looked so good. Tiny little green trees begging to be steamed. Who fantasizes about cooking broccoli? Apparently, this girl. I tend to go to the grocery store at 8am, pre-breakfast. This is most likely a poor practice, since I am hungry. I am fairly sure this is how bacon seems to land in my cart effortlessly each week.  Besides the hunger factor, I LOVE the grocery store in the early morning. It’s usually deserted. I can raid the spinach and kale section without people looking at me funny. I can stand in the nut aisle and just gaze and ponder without someone trying to hustle me to get to the hazelnuts. It’s the best. You also tend to see some people who are really serious about their grocery haul. I once saw a woman with her cart filled to the brim solely with prune juice. Curious. […]

Avocado Egg Salad | Please Don’t Pinch Me

I am not great at St. Patty’s Day.
When I was a kid, I was almost always the gal who forgot to throw on something green on St. Patrick’s Day. When I arrived at school there would usually be an enthusiastic red-head waiting in the wings to pinch me silly. You know this kid.  There was one at every school.  My defense in this matter was to lie and say that I was totally wearing green underwear or to quickly craft something green and attach it to my person. I once wore a paper chain around my neck that I crudely colored in with a green crayon. Times were tough. It was a matter of survival. Pinching hurts. Green paper-chain jewelry can help. […]