You Got Me Straight Crushin’, Boo! {Volume Three}


It’s been a week. The long kind. Not all bad, but totally long. I’m sitting here finishing this post that was meant for a Saturday on a Sunday night. Looking at that dreamy beach-y photo from my recent getaway in Carmel and feeling a slight case of the Monday dreads. How, oh, how is it already Sunday night?

I YOLO-ed this weekend (are we still saying YOLO? I didn’t get the memo). There was sunshine and hiking and lots of time with our big golden pup. I ate pumpkin pie for dinner on Friday. I snuggled the husband. Watched a coming of age movie about some bird nerds. I planted some spinach. I ate more pumpkin pie. I purchased a new handbag for the first time in three years. I vowed to said handbag that I will never let it fall victim to a forgotten black and smashed banana (like so many purses before it). Oh, and I intend to eat more pumpkin pie right after I press publish. Okay… so, maybe my weekend was less YOLO and more YOPT (You Only Pie Thrice).

In other news, I’ve compiled this sweet list of things and peeps and funnies that’s got me straight crushin’. Enjoy! […]

Grain-Free Cardamom Spiced Plum Galette + The Zenbelly Cookbook Giveaway!

It’s Wednesday. It’s totally time to  TREAT YO’ SELF.

We’ve been keeping things pretty savory lately with Soy & Ginger Crock Pot Ribs and Tomato & Coconut Chicken Curry. There’s been oodles of zoodles. Some with peanut sauce. Some with pesto and roasted tomatoes. And while we can probably all agree that savory flavors are their own treat,  I think we deserve something sweet. That rhymed. I feel like a culinary Dr. Seuss. Plum Galettes here and there, Plum Galettes everywhere. Do you like my hat? I do not like your hat. Goodbye. Okay… did I lose you? I read a lot of Dr. Seuss as a kid.

But, back to treats. I’m here to help. I’m bringing you a recipe for some hot n’ sassy plums nestled all comfy-like in a butter-laced almond meal crust. Oh, and I’m totally giving away a copy of the book that inspired this fine creation. See? Treat. Yo. Self.  […]

Zucchini Pasta With Lemon Pesto, Chard & Oven-Roasted Tomatoes {Gluten-Free}

It’s 90 degrees in my backyard and my tomato plants are still busy ripening tomatoes. Sure feels like summer to me.

I know that the days are starting to get shorter, and the mornings are coated with a sleepy-fog that rolls inland from the coast. But by the afternoon the fog burns off and it’s time for shorts and a reapplication of deodorant.

Summer is clinging on. It’s produce is clinging on. Oh, and I’m clinging on. So, until my tomato plants start to shrivel under frosty mornings, and I’ve located the last pretty-looking peach at the farmer’s market, I’m just not done. Pumpkin is coming. I get it. But, let’s enjoy this late summer bounty while we still can. Let’s make pesto and roasted tomatoes and slather all of it over some zucchini noodles. This feels about right. Pumpkin scones can wait a few weeks.  […]

Gluten-Free Funfetti Cake With Buttercream Frosting

It was my husband’s birthday, so I took four sticks of butter and a mess  of sugar and made this big ol’ cake.

I know, I know. This isn’t our usual speed. I am known for my healthy grain-free scones and big guiltless pans of meatballs. We drink green juice. We also drink bourbon. But, this. Well, it’s out of my comfort zone. It’s a layer cake. Remember that time I cried over a layer cake? Yeah, that got real. But sometimes, just sometimes we step out of our comfort zones for love. […]