Zero To Sick In Sixty Seconds: The Time I Found Out I Have Lyme Disease

There are some things I’ve been meaning to tell you…

Maybe you’ve noticed I haven’t been around as much lately. I want to let you in and tell you why.

I’ve been writing this post in my head for months. There are several drafts that have never left the confines of my brain. Do I really want to put this into the world — or rather, my world? Will these words sully my happy little blogging space where we talk about dancing bears and high five each other over the melted chocolate in our bra? This silly space where I tell you about trying to cook bacon pantsless? Everything is breezy, sunny, honest and goofy over here. I like it. It feels happy. That’s my intention. I have a feeling you come here to laugh. I love that you do. Honestly, truly.

But sometimes I’m not laughing. Sometimes I’m scared. Sometimes my gut is swirly and dizzy with anxiety. Sometimes life hands you a bucket of lemons and you get exhausted in the process of trying to make lemonade — it’s too many lemons for one person to juice. You want some of these lemons? I could use someone to share them with. I guess this post is me giving you a handful of lemons — sharing some sour honesty and being vulnerable enough with you (my wonderful readers) to let you in on what’s been going on lately. Whew. This feels vulnerable. I feel naked without my usual puns and sarcasm. Naked, with a whole bunch of lemons. I’m only kinda sorry for the visual. […]

Banana Ice Cream Cake with Lemon Cheesecake Icing and Carrot Cake Crust {Raw, Paleo, Vegan, Gluten-Free}

You guys. I made a healthy ice cream cake!!

Okay, so this isn’t entirely true. I made a healthy ice cream + cheesecake + carrot cake. Yeah, I know, it got a little bonkers. But, I promise it got weird in the best way possible.

After finishing the Whole 30, my brain was swirling with desserts. Can you blame me? So when the folks from Paleo Parents sent me a very nice e-mail asking me to write a guest post for their blog, I decided to go big. My brain flipped the “LET THERE BE CAKE!!” switch. So here. Cake. All the cakes. Smashed together into one glorious no-bake cake. […]

Gluten-Free Double Chocolate Pancakes |Guest Post From Queen of Quinoa!

You guys! Today we’re having a guest in the house (should we do some raise the roof moves? I think that sounds right)! Our guest today is Alyssa and she blogs over at Queen of Quinoa. I’ve been crushing on her blog since I started this little space of my own. As her name suggests, she is a royal wizard when it comes to putting quinoa in everything and anything. For example, today she’s dishing us up DOUBLE chocolate pancakes with some sneaky quinoa inside. Love it. Just look at that stack of hotcakes and tell me you don’t want to face plant all up in there. Should we let the face-planting commence? I think so. Thanks for hanging out, Alyssa!! 

Hi guys! I’m Alyssa from Queen of Quinoa and I’m thrilled to be here today sharing a brand new quinoa recipe with you!

This may sound weird/creepy, but Gina and I first met (just a couple of months ago) on Facebook. We have a few mutual food blogging friends, and I definitely creeped on her FB page and all over her blog, but we had never formally “met”. And while we live on opposite sides of the country, as soon as we started chatting, it clicked. It’s amazing how easy the conversation is when you talk to like-minded people. […]

Honest Whole 30 Recap, Week Four + Dairy-Free Chocolate Cherry Hazelnut Ice Cream

If you’ve been following along this past month, you’ll know I’ve been chomping, loving and sometimes struggling my way through a Whole 30. I’ve been coming here and writing you full disclosure,  overly-honest weekly recaps of  what this experience has been like. If you’re just tuning in now, lemme catch you up: Week One. Week Two. Week Three.

So you know what this post is, right?! It means I DID IT! Holy Bears. I made it. This is Whole 30 graduation. That moment where I walk across the stage in my cap and gown and gloriously move that tassel from right to left. I go to accept my Whole 30 diploma and moon the audience.( I think I saw that in a 90’s movie once–maybe we’ll scrap that bit). This is the moment where we cue the Chariots of Fire theme song as I cross the finish line. I’m wearing dolphin shorts (because, why not). I valiantly break tape with my chest. Is that tape made out of cheese? Maybe. In that case, I break the tape with my mouth.  I chug some water and then eat all the ice cream.  Of course, none of this actually happened. Well, except the ice cream. You can tell by these photos that ice cream totally happened. I’m gonna hook you up with a recipe so that it can happen for you too. But, first things first… […]