Bourbon Spiked BBQ Sauce {Gluten-Free & Paleo}

Alright, so I made BBQ Sauce. From scratch. *Queue the triumphant music a la Chariots of Fire.*

Dramatic, yes. Can you tell I’ve just impressed myself? Because, I’m feeling like a proud peacock. That’s right. I wanna open up my big peacock man-tail and strut it around in all of its fanned-out glory. I have to be a dude peacock in this scenario because the females don’t have those wondrous fancy tails. Bummer. Oh, well. But yeah… I’m humble-bragging over condiments. This is happening right now.


Minted Giveaway!

I’m super excited to be teaming up with Minted today! For those of you who haven’t been formally introduced to Minted, I suggest you head on over to the site to check it out. They work with independent artists and graphic designers to create some of the cutest invitations, stationary, holiday cards and art prints that I’ve seen on the interwebs. No joke. As of recently, they even added Save The Dates to their repertoire! The cool thing about their site is that their designs are highly customizable, so within minutes, you could create something that is stylish and professional-looking and perfect for your special occasion. […]

Grain-Free Banana Cranberry & Lemon Breakfast Cake


Hello. My name is Gina, and I am a banana hoarder.

Send help.

You might be wondering, how does one identify themselves as such? Sure you’ve watched those shows where people collect newspapers and trinkets and hundreds of cats, but banana hoarding has yet to be seen as mainstream. I get it. So, let’s just say there comes a point in time when you open up your freezer in order to stash away this week’s leftover banana bounty, only to realize there is legitimately no more room due to your already overwhelming collection of frozen bananas. My husband is confused. We discussed this a little bit the last time I made you banana bread. I’ve since stopped letting my bananas rot in the dark corners of my kitchen counters and have instead moved on to extreme hoarding behaviors. You tell me which one is better. I’m just not completely sure. […]

Super Green Apple Juice

Oh, look. Green juice.
You saw this coming, didn’t you?
My body is into it. After cookie-ing and booze-ing and making the world’s cheesiest mac and cheese for Christmas dinner, it just feels like a solid move to open up my fridge and cram all of the vegetables I can muster into a quart of super-charged green juice. It feels Popeye-esque. I halfway expect to drink this jug o’ juice, spawn some serious triceps, and punch the day in the face with awesome force.
In other words, it feels good. It feels like a proper New Year reset button. I might have not spawned immediate Popeye triceps, but I totally got out of the yoga pants I’ve been living in, put on a decent looking adult human sweater and slapped some mascara on my eyelashes. Oh, and there is a bra and it is on my body. Are we not supposed to talk about bras? I don’t remember the rules. Things are moving in the right direction. I’m officially recovering from the sloth-ity that was my holiday vacation. I’m nearly ready to sit down and do some intention setting for this year. Maybe I will even do a post about it in order to keep myself accountable. Things become progressively more real once you put them out into the world… or in my case, the entire interweb. Yikes. […]