How To Make Coconut Butter

So, butter.

We have a history.

This weekend I was hanging out with my family, and these words were inevitably spoken to me:

“Hey, Gina! Remember how you used to sneak into the fridge and leave finger prints in the butter container?”

Yes. Yes I do. It went something like this…

I would wait until no one was in my grandparent’s kitchen. I would sneak over to the fridge and pray that the large tub of Country Crock was within my stubby-four-year-old-arm’s reach. If it was, I would sneakily remove it from its place in the fridge and bring it over to the kitchen table. Silently, I would remove the top off of the tub of butter. Eureka! I would dip my fat little fingers inside of the container and eat the butter off my hands. Carefully, I would put the top back on the container and make sure to place it back where I found it in the refrigerator. My four-year old self did not understand that I had left substantial evidence of my shenanigans behind. There were little finger divots and prints left in the butter tub. I was the only four-year-old that frequented that house. I was caught red-handed. Several times. I will also NEVER live this down. […]

Cardamom & Honey Cashew Milk {Gluten Free, Vegan & Paleo Friendly}

I’ve started and stopped writing this post more times than I would like to admit.
This is because I’ve written these sentences several times over and over with the utmost sincerity, and I am starting to feel like Tobias Funke:
How does one milk nuts?
I just love the taste of creamy nut milk!
It might seem time consuming to make your nut milk by hand, but the payoff is worth it.
Maybe I should just stop using the term nut milk and we’d be in way less trouble here. Let’s get more specific. Let’s call it cashew milk. Ah, there we go. That is so much better already. I can just feel this post taking a turn out of the gutter and straight to Classyville. Welcome. […]

Broccoli Fritters With Lemon Yogurt Dipping Sauce | Gluten Free

I have a tendency to overbuy my vegetables.

This time it was broccoli. I got jazzed about it. It looked so good. Tiny little green trees begging to be steamed. Who fantasizes about cooking broccoli? Apparently, this girl. I tend to go to the grocery store at 8am, pre-breakfast. This is most likely a poor practice, since I am hungry. I am fairly sure this is how bacon seems to land in my cart effortlessly each week.  Besides the hunger factor, I LOVE the grocery store in the early morning. It’s usually deserted. I can raid the spinach and kale section without people looking at me funny. I can stand in the nut aisle and just gaze and ponder without someone trying to hustle me to get to the hazelnuts. It’s the best. You also tend to see some people who are really serious about their grocery haul. I once saw a woman with her cart filled to the brim solely with prune juice. Curious. […]

Dandelion Green Juice

Hello, Spring. You snuck up on me. I think I blinked and you showed up with your blue skies and your green hills and your different shades of wildflowers. I am totally not complaining. Look at the glorious view from our hike this weekend. It feels nice to have sunshine on my pale and wintered shoulders. Thank you for the tan lines. I can now pass as someone who spends time outside. I no longer look like that kid from The Secret Garden who was not allowed to leave his room. Cheers. You’re a good friend. […]