Cinnamon Spice Granola | Gluten Free

I am totally late to the granola party.

My invitation must have gotten lost in the mail. I now officially RSVP with bells on.

Why have I waited this long?

Making granola is so easy, it’s nuts. No really, there are a lot of nuts in this recipe. Literally. Wow. Granola jokes. I’ll be here all week. Tip your waitress.

All jokes aside, it really is super easy. A bunch of crunchy things meet in a bowl. You marry them together with a mixture of oil, spices and sweetness. You bake it at 350. You eat it by the handful.

I call this recipe Cinnamon Spice Granola… but honestly, I wont lie to you, there is a lot of stuff in here. I could have named it “Everything In My Pantry Except Sardines Granola” and it would probably be just as accurate. Sure, I spiced it with lots of yummy cinnamon, nutmeg and sweetened it with maple syrup. I also raided my pantry with the kind of greedy wild abandon that feels both shameful and wholly satisfying. A scoop of this, a dash of that, a whole lot of these, oooooh sunflower seeds? Coconut? Yes. Flax meal. Affirmative. There was not a lot of restraint. […]

Pear, Pecorino & Chard Tartlets | Gluten Free

One of my favorite birthday gifts this year was Aran Goyaga’s cookbook Small Plates and Sweet Treats. Aran is the beautiful mastermind of the food blog  Cannelle et Vanille. It’s so gorgeous I can’t even handle it. Every single one of her photographs makes me want to jump into them, taste the food, and experience the lovely warm and bright atmosphere that she creates. She makes gluten-free food look decadent and chic. Can you tell I love her? Yes. I do. Gush, gush, gush.  She is major.

One of the recipes in the book that caught my eye immediately was her Swiss Chard, Pear & Gruyere Tart. However, true to form, I did not have a lot of what the recipe called for. My fancy gluten-free flour supply was rather low, but I did have almond meal.  I scoured the pantry and my fridge looking for other things that could make it work! You can’t stop a girl on a mission to make a tart. It’s just not possible. […]

Rainbow Veggie Juice | Juice Of The Week

I started this morning with a cookie in my hand.

How does that happen?

You wake up, you put on some work out gear, and you go to head out the door. When I bent down to tie up my sneakers I realized that I was halfway through a cookie. What? Where did that come from?

How are these cookies even still on my counter? I asked my husband to take them to work (turns out he filled up the biggest Tupperware he could find and left the rest).

Creepy, unconscious phantom cookie-eating. It happens.  It’s spooky. It’s also kind of delicious, I won’t lie to you.

These cookies I speak of are pretty amazing and will be making an appearance here very soon.  But still. The first thing I did this morning besides push a 14 pound cat off of my stomach, grumble and throw on some stretch pants was shove a cookie in my face.  I can do better.  So, I did.  After I finished that cookie. […]

Kale & Brussels Sprout Caesar Salad

Here a short list of things that come to mind upon hearing the name “Caesar”:
1) Did I spell that correctly? Why does the A come before the E. Freaks me out every time.
2) I went to Waldorf elementary school. Our teacher was a wild story-teller. All of our history lessons would be told to us in magical life-like stories, and for this reason I remember most of what I learned there to this day. I still vividly remember him acting out Julius Caesar’s assassination and colorfully exclaiming “Et tu, Brute?” For this reason, when I am offered a Caesar salad, I find myself mumbling “Et tu, Brute?” to myself. Nope. Not awkward at all.  I might have also said that to a waiter once upon receiving my Caesar salad. He didn’t get it. Tough room.
3) Haircuts. Julius Caesar is depicted in many a statuette and paintings sporting a look that would later be brought back by the lead singer of the Backstreet Boys. Everybody…Rock your body.  Don’t believe me? Just google image search”Julius Caesar” and then google image search “Lead singer of the Backstreet Boys”.  BAM. Trendsetter. […]