Detox Juice |My Go-To Green Juice for Detoxing

It’s post-New Year’s. My Christmas tree is gone (although I keep finding needles in weird places–how did that get in my bra?!), the ornaments are packed away, and the lights are down. But, I’m still experiencing a major holiday hangover. After holiday travel, the flu, a Lyme flare, and a couple of stress-inspired poor eating decisions (I’m looking at YOU entire gluten-free pizza with enough cheese to choke a horse), my body is BEGGING me to get back on track. So, I’m listening to my body’s plea and responding with my favorite detoxing green juice, salad, soup, and lots of episodes of Friends on Netflix. It does a body good.   […]

Roasted Mushroom & Cauliflower Rice Salad With Spinach, Oranges & Olives {Gluten-Free, Paleo & Vegan}

Happy New Year, Friends!!

I hope you had a great holiday season. I spent my time road-tripping up to Washington state in order to spend Christmas with the in-laws. This is the first major trip we’ve embarked on since I started my Lyme treatment. Big deal stuff.  We packed up our little car and made room for our golden retriever in the back seat. We listened to a lot of  this podcast. We took Emma to the beach on Christmas day. We drank some of my Apple & Cinnamon Bourbon at night. We watched an entire slide show of really adorable fat naked baby photos featuring my husband as said really adorable fat naked baby. We stopped in Portland for a night on our way home  and stayed in a totally quirky dog friendly hotel. I woke up to gluten-free apple fritters and then spent too much money at Powell Books. You can check out more of our trip on Instagram. […]

Apricot & Spice Infused Bourbon

Few things say “Holllliiidaaaayyyy… Cellllleeeebrrraaaaate” to me more than shoving a bunch of fruit and spices into booze to make even FANCIER booze. We’ve done it before with this Apple & Cinnamon Bourbon, with which we’ve expertly crafted these Hot Toddies. But, now we’re delving into the world of dried apricots and ginger and other spicy spices. It’s a good place to be. It’s going to make one FANCY jar of booze-juice. Like, people should be excited if you’re their secret Santa. I mean… what would you rather have? A ten dollar gift certificate to Starbucks or a nice little bottle of home-infused boozy cheer?! If you said Starbucks, I don’t hate you… but, I’m not, like, totally into you right now. We can make up later. Here, have some of my legendary peace-making Vegan Chocolate Pudding. Better? Good. Now, let’s get infusing.  […]

Grain-Free Dark Chocolate & Pumpkin Butter Cinnamon Rolls With Fleur De Sel

I’m going to ignore the fact that both Halloween and Thanksgiving have passed and try to shove more PUMPKIN down your throat. Sure, we’ve already mixed pumpkin and chocolate together — but not into a CINNAMON ROLL. Believe me, this is going to be good.

I know that typically after Thanksgiving has ended we launch straight into everything peppermint and holiday — so, I’m going to rebel a little (shocking, I know). I’m shoving pumpkin butter into some cinnamon rolls. I’m slathering them with chocolate glaze. I’m sprinkling the tops with sea salt. These feel like the holidays to me. I could totally eat one of these while snuggling by the fire with a cup of tea. Actually, that’s exactly what I did. Oh, and then I ate one straight out of the refrigerator later that night. Turns out they are good cold too. Just had to check. Sometimes I use my blog as an excuse to professionally late-night-snack. It’s slightly shameless.   […]