Dark Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Bars With Sea Salt {Grain-Free, Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free}

Hey, friends! You’re in for a treat today. Get it? Puns. I’ve put dark chocolate all up in some pumpkin and we’re calling it dessert. Do you want to make these for Thanksgiving? Maybe, YES. Peter (the sweet-tooth-toting-husband of mine) is here to say nice things about my baking. Someone is trying to get some major brownie pumpkin-bar points. I just love him. Enjoy!

Failure is a subjective and lovely term. There have been several occasions where my lovely wife, who you all get to hang out with almost every day, claimed she failed — that she could do better. These pumpkin bars are one such lovely “failure.”

My wife is extremely thorough, and I daresay a perfectionist. The recipes she brings you are vetted with dedication, and anything not up to snuff gets tossed out like my daily recommendations to eat breakfast for every meal. I’m the number one fan of my ideas getting tossed out, because if you’ve spent any time around here — you’ll know the variety and quality of food that emerges from our kitchen is absolutely to die for and I wouldn’t have it any other way. […]

Grain-Free Cardamom Spiced Plum Galette + The Zenbelly Cookbook Giveaway!

It’s Wednesday. It’s totally time to  TREAT YO’ SELF.

We’ve been keeping things pretty savory lately with Soy & Ginger Crock Pot Ribs and Tomato & Coconut Chicken Curry. There’s been oodles of zoodles. Some with peanut sauce. Some with pesto and roasted tomatoes. And while we can probably all agree that savory flavors are their own treat,  I think we deserve something sweet. That rhymed. I feel like a culinary Dr. Seuss. Plum Galettes here and there, Plum Galettes everywhere. Do you like my hat? I do not like your hat. Goodbye. Okay… did I lose you? I read a lot of Dr. Seuss as a kid.

But, back to treats. I’m here to help. I’m bringing you a recipe for some hot n’ sassy plums nestled all comfy-like in a butter-laced almond meal crust. Oh, and I’m totally giving away a copy of the book that inspired this fine creation. See? Treat. Yo. Self.  […]

Spicy Banana Scones With Caramel Glaze {Grain-Free + Gluten-Free}

Yesterday I baked my feelings.

I turned on some Ben Folds Five, preheated my oven, and mashed bananas together with eggs.  It seemed like the only way to make the day manageable. There was also a Fiona Apple and Shepherd’s Pie situation that occurred later that evening. I’m telling you, I really cooked my feelings into submission. Also, Fiona Apple brings the appropriate amount of angst to Shepherd’s Pie. It makes it edgy (dare I say, Criminal? Get it? #chickrockpuns #lilithfairkitchen) I highly recommend it.

I don’t know about you, but when things get hard, or my to-do list starts to span pages, I tend to drop everything and head into the kitchen. This is how I work things out. There’s meditation in there. You’re forced to clear your mind, focus on what’s in front of you, and if all goes right, deliver a satisfying result (that you can then eat–which is a much better outcome than doing laundry — you can’t eat your laundry).  […]

Honest Whole 30 Recap, Week One + Coco-Berry Superfood Smoothie Recipe!

If you follow me on Facebook or Instagram, you might have already seen I’m smack dab in the middle (er…the first week) of a Whole 30. One of the questions I got when I so boldly announced I was going to swear off cheese for thirty days to a world full of internet friends and strangers was, “What the heck is a Whole 3o?” Great question. I can point you to the official website where they explain this cray to the cray endeavor I’ve decided to journey on. But, I’ll give you the gist: It’s thirty days. No grains, beans, dairy, sugar, or anything processed. You can eat all the veggies, meats and fruits that you want, along with nuts, seeds and good fats like coconut oil or coconut milk.  Try to keep it organic. The less processed the better. You know — blah blah blah — healthy things. […]