Maple Roasted Red Kuri Squash With Lemon & Garlicky Greens {Gluten-Free, Paleo, Vegan}

Today is Halloween.

Unfortunately, I will not be serving up any kind of witch fingers with almond fingernails, or a jack’o’lantern that is vomiting  guacamole. Today there will be no graham cracker cookies that have been turned into bloody band-aids (yes, this is a real thing I saw on Pinterest), and nothing that feels like an eyeball in your mouth. Call me the Grinch of Halloween, or simply call me someone who doesn’t like to eat things that resemble blood, vomit or eyeballs. It’s a personal preference. I think my childhood self is disappointed in this whole paragraph. I used to be really big on the whole “peeled grapes feel like eyeballs in the dark” thing. I guess I’ve gone soft.

My husband just informed me that the above paragraph makes me sound really grumpy. Apparently he’s on team guacamole vomit. Oh, well. At least we both agree that leftover peanut-butter cups need to be eaten swiftly, blamelessly, competition style– straight from the trick or treat bowl. Marriage is all about compromise. We do what we can. […]

Gluten-Free Pumpkin Pie + Let’s Talk About Thanksgiving Round-Up

Okay, so I got into this whole pie-making fiasco.

The season overtook me. I broke out the big guns and made pie crust from scratch. Shizz got real. Perhaps a little too real.

It all started with these Gluten-Free Buttermilk & Apple Hand Pies. You can head on over to that post and read about the trials and tribulations of baking a pie. Long story short, following directions is not my strong suit. Sometimes I get a little fast and loose with my measurements. Pie crust is not the place for this. Pie crust is math class. There are rules. Luckily there is also butter. This automatically makes pie crust better than math class. Life rule. […]

Bourbon & Honey Glazed Carrots

I love bourbon.

It’s  my drink of choice. I’ll take it on the rocks, mixed with pineapple juice, in a Manhattan or in one of these Ginger Fizz Cocktails. I’ll find excuses to slip it into whipped cream or cookies. I’ll even find an excuse to put it on vegetables. That’s what you’re currently looking at. A way of infusing that awesome, rich, bourbon flavor into roasted veggies. I’m realizing now these past few sentences make me sound like a real lush. Ugh. I don’t even know. But, bourbon…let’s get crazy and pour it on some carrots and see what happens. […]

So…Thanksgiving Happened | A Pie Recovery Salad

So…Thanksgiving happened.

Like most years it started off with my early day mantra of “I’m so not going to overeat this year”.  Fast forward to 6pm.  I am breathing heavily with a case of the ham sweats. Fast forward even further to 10pm. I am sitting at home eating my second piece of leftover cake.  It got real. The big sweatpants came out.

The next morning I had gluten-free stuffing and eggs.  Later that evening my husband threw me a birthday party where I decided it would be wise to stuff my face with tortilla chips and spinach dip and then drink like I was peg-legged sailor. Super real. Did I mention there was a dark chocolate and peanut butter cup gluten-free masterpiece of a cake AND creme brulee? I totally ate both. […]