Skinny Shepherd’s Pie | Gluten Free

Yesterday I couldn’t get it together.

I tried to come to this space and write for you, but my brain seemed to still be on a three day weekend.

Weren’t those three days nice?  My weekend included some of the following events:

Thai food with one of my main gals. I commented on how much Pad Thai was in front of me and proceeded to eat everything but two bites. I boxed it up as if to say “See? I totally knew that would be too much.” We both knew I could have finished it. I was trying to be a lady.

I managed to watch three Disney oldies. The Rescuers, The Rescuers Down Under and The Aristocats. I have a serious soft spot for talking animals of any kind. I had to talk myself down off the ledge from actually watching Santa Buddies. If you haven’t seen the cover, it’s a bunch of golden retriever puppies wearing santa hats.  Some might think this is off-putting. I’m not one of these people. Don’t judge me. We can’t all be perfect. (If we are being honest, I think the creepiest thing in that picture is the glazed over Santa. What is he going to do with all those puppies?) […]

Pear, Pecorino & Chard Tartlets | Gluten Free

One of my favorite birthday gifts this year was Aran Goyaga’s cookbook Small Plates and Sweet Treats. Aran is the beautiful mastermind of the food blog  Cannelle et Vanille. It’s so gorgeous I can’t even handle it. Every single one of her photographs makes me want to jump into them, taste the food, and experience the lovely warm and bright atmosphere that she creates. She makes gluten-free food look decadent and chic. Can you tell I love her? Yes. I do. Gush, gush, gush.  She is major.

One of the recipes in the book that caught my eye immediately was her Swiss Chard, Pear & Gruyere Tart. However, true to form, I did not have a lot of what the recipe called for. My fancy gluten-free flour supply was rather low, but I did have almond meal.  I scoured the pantry and my fridge looking for other things that could make it work! You can’t stop a girl on a mission to make a tart. It’s just not possible. […]

Baked Beef & Red Wine Stew

So, I’ve been having a love affair. No, love affair sounds cheap and fleeting.  Hmm…

Ok, I have been having a full on committed relationship.

With Beef.

Most of my friends know this about me.  When asked my favorite breakfast I will almost always say “Steak and Eggs…hold the eggs.”  I’m the girl that doesn’t even have to reheat leftover steak. I will go National Geographic on a T-bone at 8am.

Steak and I don’t  see each other that often anymore. I’ve been having this thing on the side with kale and some late nights with re-fried black beans and their hussy friends, the corn tortillas.  Oh, and Green Juice. That has been getting hot and heavy.

But when steak and I get together, magic happens. […]

One Pot Spanish Rice

Is anyone  experiencing an Election Day hangover? Not the booze induced kind (unless you are…no judgement, I get it.) but rather the kind that comes from nail-biting anxiety and an over-indulgence in things like chocolate, or perhaps a particularly hefty Chipotle burrito bowl.  Yeah.  Me too.  I woke up this morning wanting to crawl back into bed.  Isn’t it Friday yet?  It seems like Friday.  Nope.  Still Wednesday. Hump day. That joke never gets old.  Truth.

So, let’s make something easy.  Something you can make in one pot.  Who wants to do dishes on a Wednesday?  Not me.  Let’s minimize and simplify and make something comforting, flavorful and delicious.  Today I bring you a One-Pot Spanish Rice. […]