Bourbon & Honey Glazed Carrots

I love bourbon.

It’s  my drink of choice. I’ll take it on the rocks, mixed with pineapple juice, in a Manhattan or in one of these Ginger Fizz Cocktails. I’ll find excuses to slip it into whipped cream or cookies. I’ll even find an excuse to put it on vegetables. That’s what you’re currently looking at. A way of infusing that awesome, rich, bourbon flavor into roasted veggies. I’m realizing now these past few sentences make me sound like a real lush. Ugh. I don’t even know. But, bourbon…let’s get crazy and pour it on some carrots and see what happens. […]

Apple, Delicata & Blue Cheese Flatbread {Gluten-Free & Grain-Free}

Yesterday I set out to make a pie.
This effort was thwarted once I looked over at the bowl of neglected produce on my counter. The delicata squash made eye contact with me and got real. “Hey, G… I’ve been sitting on your counter for TWO weeks. What-chu gonna do about it?” Jeez. Sassy squash.
Ok, ok… so, the squash didn’t actually speak to me due to its lack of communicative parts and bits (i.e. I’ve never met a squash with lips–have you? If so, email me PUH-LEASE–I wanna hear all about it) but my own produce guilt did create a dialogue between myself and this neglected squash. I’ll spare you the details, but basically, the squash got sassier and sassier until I promised to help her fulfill her delicious little squash destiny. In this process I also got bullied by a very pushy apple. She wanted in on the action. I said yes. […]

Butter & Wine Roasted Mushrooms

You know that old saying “opposites attract”?
That’s real.
My idea of the perfect breakfast is a leftover steak I take out of the fridge and eat cold. Usually with my hands. I’m not ashamed. My father likes to get on me about it being very “National Geographic”, but… you gotta do what you gotta do. Follow your bliss, right? My bliss just happens to come along with cold steak juice dripping onto my nightgown in the AM. We all have our things. […]

Tomato & Blue Cheese Birthday Biscuits {Gluten-Free}

Yesterday I totally cried over cake. True story.
But, before we get into weird cake sob stories, allow me to welcome you to BIRTHDAY WEEK! That’s right. Why celebrate your blog’s first birthday simply with a day, when you can use it as an excuse for an extended week long party?! You only turn one once, right? Right. All week long we’re going to be indulging with some party-worthy recipes. Maybe I’m using a bit more butter than usual. Maybe I’ve been eating ice cream sandwiches for breakfast. Let’s not look too closely at it. Just know, It’s going to be awesome.  Let’s do it up proper, starting with these biscuits.
Are you confused as to why we’re starting things off with biscuits? Further more, why am I putting a candle in said biscuits? Yeah, me too.I’m going to try to make some sense out of this madness.  […]