Cinnamon Spice Granola | Gluten Free

I am totally late to the granola party.

My invitation must have gotten lost in the mail. I now officially RSVP with bells on.

Why have I waited this long?

Making granola is so easy, it’s nuts. No really, there are a lot of nuts in this recipe. Literally. Wow. Granola jokes. I’ll be here all week. Tip your waitress.

All jokes aside, it really is super easy. A bunch of crunchy things meet in a bowl. You marry them together with a mixture of oil, spices and sweetness. You bake it at 350. You eat it by the handful.

I call this recipe Cinnamon Spice Granola… but honestly, I wont lie to you, there is a lot of stuff in here. I could have named it “Everything In My Pantry Except Sardines Granola” and it would probably be just as accurate. Sure, I spiced it with lots of yummy cinnamon, nutmeg and sweetened it with maple syrup. I also raided my pantry with the kind of greedy wild abandon that feels both shameful and wholly satisfying. A scoop of this, a dash of that, a whole lot of these, oooooh sunflower seeds? Coconut? Yes. Flax meal. Affirmative. There was not a lot of restraint. […]

Almond Spiced Donuts With Chocolate And Coconut | Gluten Free

I warned you this was coming.
I got a donut pan for Christmas and had to fulfill its donut-pan-destiny. It’s only fair.
Team Health has been in full effect in our house. I got my husband hooked on juice. We’ve been eating veggies like true professionals. Did I mention that my sweet-guzzling-cookie-butter-loving husband made me purchase chia seeds yesterday? I watched in amazement as he added a tablespoon to his green juice and knocked it back like a champ. Superfood-tastic. It’s getting serious.
Let’s be completely honest though, we keep things balanced… […]

Peppermint Patty Brownies With Dark Chocolate Ganache | Gluten Free

What do you do when the world just doesn’t make sense?
Because, Friends, It really doesn’t. Not even close.

My heart breaks for the all of the families in Connecticut. Tears roll down my cheeks and I try to make sense of this horrifying news. No sense can be made.  I extend my arms and my love and everything healing out to everyone and anyone affected by this tragedy. To all of the families that feel broken and scared and unimaginably heavy, I wish you everything. I wish you peace.

I honestly don’t know what to do in times of tragedy. I always want to fix things. I want to rescue the problem. This is rarely if never possible.

So, I cook.

It’s just something that we do in our family.

We tie up our aprons, roll up our sleeves and put things in pots and bring them to a simmer. We cream some butter, throw some batter in a pan and bake at 350. […]

Dark Chocolate & Coconut Milk Tart | Gluten Free | Dairy Free


Everyone has a food-allergy-friend.

You might not know it yet, but you do.  It will just happen one day.

This  person will come to your dinner party and exclaim that they cannot eat anything with wheat, dairy, peanuts, or that previously had a face.  You wish they would have told you ahead of time. You look suspiciously at the veal shanks that you have been slow cooking for four hours and feel like you’ve made a huge mistake.  You panic.

I get it.

However, if you’re making veal in a slow cooker, I would like to be your friend. Call me. I bet you like to eat steak for breakfast too. Gosh, we could probably be best friends.

I confess that I’ve totally been that allergy friend. I have whipped out a banana from my purse and eaten it at a work function. There tends to be a lot of gluten at work functions. I like to be prepared. I have the purse of a girl scout. […]