You Got Me Straight Crushin’ Boo! {Volume Two}

Look, guys! I’m actually sticking to a series. Gimme five.

You can see the first edition of this new crush n’ gush series here.

Basically, here are all the things that got me straight crushin’ this week. Plain and simple. It’s food, it’s funnies, it’s a little bit of nudity. Don’t look so surprised.

Hope you’re having a killer weekend! xox […]

Taco Bowls With Grilled Corn, Zucchini & Peach Salsa {Two Ways}

Let’s take a minute to talk-o ’bout the taco bowl. Puns, heh.

The concept of a taco bowl is taking everything you would shove inside a tortilla and just throwing it into a big serving trough (or bowl) and then eating from this trough with a trowel (or fork). If we’re honest, I make this stuff once a week. It tastes good and it comes together quickly. It’s also another excuse to put guacamole on something, so right there, I’m into it. The lack of tortilla encourages room for more veggies and greens. This is the perfect way to trick one’s husband into eating a large salad. Maybe I should serve all  salad with a side of hot sauce. It works. […]

Honey Roasted Apricot Manhattans

If you know me, you know that I love bourbon.

Somewhere along the line it happened. I’m not sure when, but it did. I gave up my teenage affection for hard lemonade, and my Sex And The City-induced Cosmopolitan phase in favor of spicier, boozier, hair-on-my-lady-chest-ier pursuits.

My husband found his love of Bourbon through my father. It became a family affair. If we’re having a cozy evening with my family, there is a more than likely chance that we’re going to be swilling Manhattans with (or as) appetizers. If you’re wondering, this practice goes really well with a game of Cards Against Humanity. It’s only slightly awkward when your Mother (the decidedly least gross, modestly-mannered person in the bunch) pulls out a big win for putting together combinations of cards that would make a sailor blush. Okay, perhaps it’s best that you play at your own risk. You’ve been warned. Mothers can surprise you. […]

Spicy Banana Scones With Caramel Glaze {Grain-Free + Gluten-Free}

Yesterday I baked my feelings.

I turned on some Ben Folds Five, preheated my oven, and mashed bananas together with eggs.  It seemed like the only way to make the day manageable. There was also a Fiona Apple and Shepherd’s Pie situation that occurred later that evening. I’m telling you, I really cooked my feelings into submission. Also, Fiona Apple brings the appropriate amount of angst to Shepherd’s Pie. It makes it edgy (dare I say, Criminal? Get it? #chickrockpuns #lilithfairkitchen) I highly recommend it.

I don’t know about you, but when things get hard, or my to-do list starts to span pages, I tend to drop everything and head into the kitchen. This is how I work things out. There’s meditation in there. You’re forced to clear your mind, focus on what’s in front of you, and if all goes right, deliver a satisfying result (that you can then eat–which is a much better outcome than doing laundry — you can’t eat your laundry).  […]