Tomato & Blue Cheese Birthday Biscuits {Gluten-Free}

Yesterday I totally cried over cake. True story.
But, before we get into weird cake sob stories, allow me to welcome you to BIRTHDAY WEEK! That’s right. Why celebrate your blog’s first birthday simply with a day, when you can use it as an excuse for an extended week long party?! You only turn one once, right? Right. All week long we’re going to be indulging with some party-worthy recipes. Maybe I’m using a bit more butter than usual. Maybe I’ve been eating ice cream sandwiches for breakfast. Let’s not look too closely at it. Just know, It’s going to be awesome.  Let’s do it up proper, starting with these biscuits.
Are you confused as to why we’re starting things off with biscuits? Further more, why am I putting a candle in said biscuits? Yeah, me too.I’m going to try to make some sense out of this madness.  […]

Delicata, Pomegranate & Avocado Kale Salad {Gluten-Free, Paleo & Vegan}

Recently I completed a ten day cleanse. I needed a reset. My body was feeling sluggish, tired and heavy. I consulted a holistic nutritionist and off I went. Shakes. Veggies. Supplements. Repeat.

I didn’t talk about the cleansing process on here. I didn’t really want to trouble you all with my inevitable “EHRMAGHERD, ALL I WANT TO DO IS EAT MY ARM OFF AND YELL LOUDLY” attitude. That happened around day seven. Detox is a funny thing. It can make a usually jovial human being into a crazy, wonky-eyed monster, willing to sell their first born child on the black market for half a steak and a glass of bourbon. Perhaps this is dramatic, but still… it’s a thing. One night I cried into a bowl of Brussels sprouts. Just sobbing and eating. No big deal. I asked my husband to ignore me, as this was all just “part of my process”. He kept his eyes to himself like a gentleman as I tried to choke down sprouts through light sobs. This is no easy feat. Did you know you use a lot of your cry muscles to swallow? No? You don’t cry when you eat? Oh, ok… […]

Grain-Free Apple & Pear Crisp {Gluten-Free & Paleo}

Everyone has been so busy losing their minds over pumpkin. I’m no different. You’ve seen my Ultimate Gluten-Free Pumpkin Recipe Round-up! That got intense. I scoured the internet for over fifty pumpkin recipes. That is a lot of pumpkin, folks! I’m in it. I want to make pumpkin body wash and rub it all over my body so I smell like pie all day. I want to throw some pumpkin pie spice into my yogurt in the morning. I want to get wild and make pumpkin pudding and pumpkin soup and put on a pumpkin costume and do a jig as a pumpkin. Too much? Probably. But, you get me. There is totally a thing called “Pumpkin Fever”, and your girl has got it.  […]

The Ultimate Gluten-Free Pumpkin Recipe Round-Up

(Photos by, Tasty Yummies, Texanerin Baking, Healthful Pursuit & The Pig & Quill)
Oh Em Gee… Pumpkin.

It’s happening. Pumpkin season is in full swing. I can’t be the only one who is trying to add this stuff to everything. I pretty much want everything to taste like pie. Is that so wrong? I say no. I say everything is better when it tastes like pie. I’m sure this isn’t true, but fall is ruining my brain with such thoughts.

As it turns out, I’m not the only one that is going absolutely pumpkin bonkers. Oh, no. I’m in some really great company. A lot of my blogger friends have gone off the rails and joined me in this celebratory pumpkin on pumpkin on pumpkin par-tayyyy! You wanna come? You’re totally invited. That’s why I’ve put together this recipe round-up of FIFTY pumpkin recipes that are all GLUTEN-FREE!!!

Well… what are you waiting for? Let’s dig in, shall we?  xox […]