This morning I was startled awake by the heinous loud beeping of the carbon monoxide detector. My heart began pumping quicker, signaling to me that we probably needed to evacuate the house before submitting to a gas induced death. I jumped out of bed. I tried to think about where the cat carrier was. I found the dog sleeping on the couch, unimpressed by my antics. I put on shoes. I did not put on a bra. I grabbed my cell phone. These are the actions that I took in a very sleepy and very confusing emergency. I texted my husband, in a calm fashion. I was instructed to climb an it’s-too-early-for-this-$hiz-step-ladder and press a button that said “SILENCE”. As it turns out, the carbon monoxide detector was simply malfunctioning. Phew. In celebration that I would not be evacuating my home, and would in fact live to see the afternoon, I passed out into a deep sleep still wearing a questionable pair of crocks. I only know that I wore my crocks to bed because I woke up with them off and under the covers. It’s confusing to wake up with a rubber clog negotiating its way into your backside.
Still, when you wake up from a perceived disaster, and the only casualty is a rubber shoe touching your butt, things look pretty rosy. I decided to get creative and make some salmon cakes for breakfast. I was working off of this Chipotle Lime Salmon Cake situation that I made last year, but creating a different flavor profile. Artichokes, herbs and lemons were all very much involved. It wasn’t until they touched the frying pan that I realized that I had forgotten the eggs. Now, this might not sound significant if you’ve never salmon-caked. However, it’s VERY significant. Without the eggs the whole thing kinda turns into the inside of a tuna melt but without the bread. It’s a hot little mayo-laden fish patty. So, that was breakfast. Hot salmon sandwich insides. “At least I’m alive” I thought, as I horked down weird hot salmon salad parts–This is so much better than succumbing to my mortality.
I decided after slamming down some tortured fish patties, that Wednesday would not take me down, I simply needed to STOP trying to be fancy. Just go with the flow. Don’t swim upstream—salmon style. Instead, dip back into what you know. The rain clouds are starting to roll back in, the living room is weirdly dark for late morning, and if we listen closely I’m pretty sure we can hear Mother Earth herself whispering “Giiiiinnnnaaaaaaa, just make souuuuuuuup.” Ok. I can do that. It’s kinda my thing. Did you know that they called me Souper Star in college? That’s not true. No one has ever called me that–except that voice in my brain after a long day of recipe development. Things get weird when you work alone, guys. It’s not infrequent for me to actually high five the dog on a day to day basis. Coworkers, amiright?
Before this becomes a diary entry exploring my poor fashion choices and a ballad for the lonely, let’s discuss this here soup. If you’re looking for something to sing the glorious sound of umami all up and down the halls of your digestive tract, this is IT. Mushrooms bring earthines that marries with the saltines of the bacon. Coconut milk, while it seems out-of-place, does not make this pot of soup into a disastrous hot pina colada, but in fact entirely tastes like cream. If you take the time to make your bone broth from scratch, the healing prowess of this soup goes up by an imaginary 5,000%. If not, it’s still good. The whole thing is rather unfussy and perfect for cold weather. That’s what we need today. Less fussiness. Less brushes with imaginary death. Less salmon failures. MORE soup. Always soup.
I hope you are all having a very blessed and blunderless Wednesday. May you never wake up with the rubber sole of a crock gently kissing your buttocks. Amen. Bon Appetit.
Creamy Mushroom, Bacon & Leek Soup
- 12oz bacon, chopped into bite sized pieces
- 1 medium leek, trimmed and chopped
- 3 8oz clamshells of crimini mushrooms, cleaned and chopped
- 2 large cloves of garlic, pressed
- 1 Tbsp. fresh thyme leaves
- 8 cups beef bone broth (Learn how to make your own HERE)
- 1 can full fat coconut milk
- Salt, pepper (to taste)
- 2-3 Tbsp. cassava flour to thicken (optional)
- Heat up a heavy bottomed soup pot (I like this one) over medium to high heat. Add in the chopped up bacon and allow to cook, stirring ocassionally until it is cooked through and crispy.
- Once the bacon is cooked, add in the leek and saute it in the bacon fat until it is cooked through and almost melty. At this point, add in the sliced crimini mushrooms and the cloves of pressed garlic. Stir. Allow the mushrooms to brown a bit, stirring ocasionally.
- Once the mushrooms have browned, add in the thyme and stir. Add the broth, coconut milk and season generously with salt and pepper. Make sure to taste your broth in order to adjust the seasoning.
- Allow the soup to come to a boil. Once boiling, reduce the heat and allow it to simmer for at least 30 minutes. If any scum develops on the top of your soup, simply skim it off and discard it.
- Once the soup has cooked for at least 30 minutes, check the seasoning again and adjust it to your liking. For a thicker soup, you can use the cassava flour. Ladle 2 cups of broth into a measuring cup. Add in the 2-3Tbsp of cassava flour and whisk well until the broth in the cup thickens up and there are no lumps. Add this broth back to the main pot of soup and stir. Allow it to simmer for a couple of minutes. The entire soup will thicken and become creamier.
- Once it is creamy and seasoned to your liking, it is time to serve! Enjoy!

PERFECTION. I love this recipe. It’s about 1400 calories for the whole pot, and tastes amazing. I had a toasted Trader Joe’s “Artisan French Roll” on the side and nearly died of happiness.