Herbed Pineapple Limeade With Basil & Mint + $50 iHerb.com Giveaway! #SoLetsPigOut

Alright, so it’s already day two of the#SoLetsPigOut Summer Potluck! Woo hoo! You ready to get your sunshine-y drank on? Cool. So are we.

If you’re just tuning in and you’re scratching your head wondering why I’m hashtaging things about pigs everywhere… this would be because my friend Emily (The Pig & Quill) and I have teamed up in an epic celebration of summer potluck-ery. […]

The #SoLetsPigOut Summer Potluck Kickoff + Sticky BBQ Korean Chicken Wings + A Giveaway From Mighty Nest!

Hey Everyone! Today is a  REALLY exciting day in these parts! I’ve joined forces with Emily of The Pig & Quill, who just happens to be one of my favorite internet-turned-real-life-friends/best-person-to-eat-a-plate-of -sticky-chicken-wings-with-on-a-sweltering-summer-day. #Truth

I also want you to be able to get to know our lovely week-long  co-host, so we’ve both concocted a couple of professional standard kinda-random but oh-so-telling interview questions for each other. To skip to Emily’s interview CLICK HERE.  You can find my answers to these questions over on her page HERE.

So we’ve put together a week long event called the #SoLetsPigOutPotluck (see what we did there? I know–clever).  It’s a celebration of summer where we’ll be sharing a collaboration of recipes we’ve made just for you, as well as giving away some fun prizes from great brands. For example, not only is there a recipe for some crazy delicious wings today, but you can also enter to win $225 worth of prizes from Mighty Nest!

On Friday the potluck goes internet wide as we will be joined by 20+ bloggers who will help us create the ultimate virtual summer potluck. There’s going to be a lot of pigging out going on this week. I hope you’re ready! We sure are! #SoLetsPigOut […]

Bourbon Tea Lemonade Popsicles With Peaches

So, it’s been a crazy week. Albeit, most of it good–I am just losing track of time and space.

It’s been the kind of week where I thought it was definitely (had to be) Friday when in fact it was only Tuesday. This can make one feel as if they have dementia, so that’s cool. I feel as if I’m a confusing fortnight short of forgetting my first name and wearing a pizza on my head. Okay, maybe that’s a little overboard — but whatever the next step is after putting your car keys in the freezer or trying to open up your car door with your house keys is. That. […]

Zero To Sick In Sixty Seconds: The Time I Found Out I Have Lyme Disease

There are some things I’ve been meaning to tell you…

Maybe you’ve noticed I haven’t been around as much lately. I want to let you in and tell you why.

I’ve been writing this post in my head for months. There are several drafts that have never left the confines of my brain. Do I really want to put this into the world — or rather, my world? Will these words sully my happy little blogging space where we talk about dancing bears and high five each other over the melted chocolate in our bra? This silly space where I tell you about trying to cook bacon pantsless? Everything is breezy, sunny, honest and goofy over here. I like it. It feels happy. That’s my intention. I have a feeling you come here to laugh. I love that you do. Honestly, truly.

But sometimes I’m not laughing. Sometimes I’m scared. Sometimes my gut is swirly and dizzy with anxiety. Sometimes life hands you a bucket of lemons and you get exhausted in the process of trying to make lemonade — it’s too many lemons for one person to juice. You want some of these lemons? I could use someone to share them with. I guess this post is me giving you a handful of lemons — sharing some sour honesty and being vulnerable enough with you (my wonderful readers) to let you in on what’s been going on lately. Whew. This feels vulnerable. I feel naked without my usual puns and sarcasm. Naked, with a whole bunch of lemons. I’m only kinda sorry for the visual. […]