Honest Whole 30 Recap, Week One + Coco-Berry Superfood Smoothie Recipe!

If you follow me on Facebook or Instagram, you might have already seen I’m smack dab in the middle (er…the first week) of a Whole 30. One of the questions I got when I so boldly announced I was going to swear off cheese for thirty days to a world full of internet friends and strangers was, “What the heck is a Whole 3o?” Great question. I can point you to the official website where they explain this cray to the cray endeavor I’ve decided to journey on. But, I’ll give you the gist: It’s thirty days. No grains, beans, dairy, sugar, or anything processed. You can eat all the veggies, meats and fruits that you want, along with nuts, seeds and good fats like coconut oil or coconut milk.  Try to keep it organic. The less processed the better. You know — blah blah blah — healthy things. […]

Grain-Free Bourbon Peach Banana Bread

Having recently moved into a new home, I can tell you I have a lot of things. I’ve had to take stock of these things and move them from one location to another. This is the time where I might find boxes of high school love letters and poetry, a sweater someone from Norway once gave me as a gift, bins of yarn — some of it tangled — and two leather trench coats. I will tell you that all of those things I mentioned are still in my garage. In fact, a lot of things are still in my garage. It’s been about four weeks since we’ve moved into our new place and I haven’t needed any of those things. Part of me wants to set fire to the clutter and be rid of it (although I’m fairly certain my land lady would be pretty miffed). All of those boxes gone in one blaze of horrifying glory. Yes, this is the lazy part of my brain speaking. The part of my brain where arson seems like an easier out than organizing a craft closet. […]

Double Dark Chocolate & Raspberry Vegan Cheesecake

There are few things more unsettling than when people utter the words “nut cheese”.  I understand your concerns. You’ve probably been strolling the aisles of a Whole Foods and come across a slab of shrink- wrapped-orange-hell-sponge that they refer to as “Almond Cheese”. Don’t let that weird hunk-a-fake-cheddah ruin everything in the nut cheese family for you. Speaking as someone who once tried to make a grilled cheese with almond cheese (ugh), trust me on this.  I’ve since gotten over my fears (we’ve even made some here before!). Heck, we’ve even made some delicious nut milk, and now we’re moving into some next level nut cheese magic: CHEESECAKE! […]

Cauliflower Tabbouleh + The Paleo Foodie Cookbook Giveaway!

Have you guys met my friend Arsy? She writes the mouthwatering paleo food blog Rubies and Radishes. Well, girlfriend totally wrote another amazing book! Yes, I said another. Her first cookbook The Paleo Slow Cooker was a huge hit– helping all of us navigate healthy meals with ease! However, today we’re talking about her brand new book, The Paleo Foodie! Oh, and no big deal…but she’s letting me give away a copy to one of you lucky lil’ bears!

When this book arrived in the mail it felt like Christmas…that is if Christmas showed you how to roast bone marrow or make oxtail soup! Santa, get with it. More bone marrow in stockings pleez! Um, just please wrap it up in some foil, otherwise it could get messy. Thanks. I appreciate you. I am going to totally forget that I wrote this and then find a hunk of oxtail at the bottom of my stocking come December, aren’t I? This seems about right. Santa’s a jokester. […]