Slow-Cooker Whole Chicken & Potatoes With Hard Cider Gravy {Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free, Paleo Friendly}

I have a new appreciation for “casual gravy”.

I used to think that gravy was only a thing to be made on fancy occasions. The kind of occasion where we set the table with the “wash by hand” dishes and then soil our almost-formal wear with bits of yams and stuffing. Hmm, clearly as I write this I’m excluding gravy as being used for one occasion: Thanksgiving. Pouring the drippings of the large bird into a pot and making it thick with some sort of roux; this was the whole of my gravy making experience. Fancy holiday gravy to be enjoyed on fancy holiday plates.

Also, just so you know, I once met a clown named Wavy Gravy, We sang some songs together… but, that my friends, in no way relates to edible gravy and is a tale for another day. But, on the scale of gravies, I would dub Wavy Gravy as casual. Just in case you are wondering. […]

Whole-Roasted Butter, Lemon & Rosemary Chicken With Garlic & Root Vegetables {Gluten-Free, Paleo}

Comfort food.

It doesn’t always have to be Mac & Cheese, Biscuits or Doughnuts (even though, #OMGYumGetInMyFace). To me, comfort food often means making Kalua Pork in my crock pot, or simmering Red Wine Braised Short Ribs on the stove. It’s therapeutic food that cooks slowly and fills up your house with the most delightful aromas, in this case BUTTER. It’s the kind of food your grandmother would make. The type of meal that you’d want to eat after coming home from work on a rainy day. You know, it’s comfortable. Comfy. Like sweats, but edible. (I should have quit while I was ahead with the descriptions…Oh, well.) […]

Red Wine-Braised Short Ribs

Christmas is in six days.
But, we’re not going to talk about it.
Instead, we’re going to discuss how Hawaiians measure things. Later we will segue into how the only thing to do is to eat these short ribs for breakfast, lunch and dinner and then again for breakfast. Buckle up.
Over Thanksgiving my family came to stay with us. It was great. Things only became greater when my Mom decided to make her short ribs. I’m not one to turn down an offer when there are tender chunks of beef involved. We’ve discussed it before… but, steak is truly my power animal. […]

Skinny Shepherd’s Pie | Gluten Free

Yesterday I couldn’t get it together.

I tried to come to this space and write for you, but my brain seemed to still be on a three day weekend.

Weren’t those three days nice?  My weekend included some of the following events:

Thai food with one of my main gals. I commented on how much Pad Thai was in front of me and proceeded to eat everything but two bites. I boxed it up as if to say “See? I totally knew that would be too much.” We both knew I could have finished it. I was trying to be a lady.

I managed to watch three Disney oldies. The Rescuers, The Rescuers Down Under and The Aristocats. I have a serious soft spot for talking animals of any kind. I had to talk myself down off the ledge from actually watching Santa Buddies. If you haven’t seen the cover, it’s a bunch of golden retriever puppies wearing santa hats.  Some might think this is off-putting. I’m not one of these people. Don’t judge me. We can’t all be perfect. (If we are being honest, I think the creepiest thing in that picture is the glazed over Santa. What is he going to do with all those puppies?) […]