Pomegranate Margaritas

Okay, I’m just going to be honest with you.

I’ve been sitting here trying to write this blog post for the last twenty minutes or so. The things I typed out onto the page are suspicious at best. There was this whole bit about a Sailor appearing out of nowhere and taking us to Margaritaville. A boozy nautical kidnapping if you will.  There was an entire paragraph where I described what this margarita would be wearing if it were a super hero. For some reason it had a sombrero made of limes. There were tights. There was a cape. His super powers included staining your clothes and getting you drunk.  I don’t even know anymore.  This week has been a doozy.

Somewhere between starting this post and the last string of deleted  sailor and superhero metaphors, my spirited Golden Retriever managed to find her first mud pit of the season. She usually never comes inside when I want her to, but of course, today, with pride in her eyes and paws full of mud, she charged me. She ran puppy laps around the couch. There were expletives. There were paw prints. There was me, on my knees, scrubbing a carpet and carefully removing chunks of earth from it’s fibers. There was a guilty puppy face. There will be a Friday night steam cleaning party. […]

Apple, Delicata & Blue Cheese Flatbread {Gluten-Free & Grain-Free}

Yesterday I set out to make a pie.
This effort was thwarted once I looked over at the bowl of neglected produce on my counter. The delicata squash made eye contact with me and got real. “Hey, G… I’ve been sitting on your counter for TWO weeks. What-chu gonna do about it?” Jeez. Sassy squash.
Ok, ok… so, the squash didn’t actually speak to me due to its lack of communicative parts and bits (i.e. I’ve never met a squash with lips–have you? If so, email me PUH-LEASE–I wanna hear all about it) but my own produce guilt did create a dialogue between myself and this neglected squash. I’ll spare you the details, but basically, the squash got sassier and sassier until I promised to help her fulfill her delicious little squash destiny. In this process I also got bullied by a very pushy apple. She wanted in on the action. I said yes. […]

Butter & Wine Roasted Mushrooms

You know that old saying “opposites attract”?
That’s real.
My idea of the perfect breakfast is a leftover steak I take out of the fridge and eat cold. Usually with my hands. I’m not ashamed. My father likes to get on me about it being very “National Geographic”, but… you gotta do what you gotta do. Follow your bliss, right? My bliss just happens to come along with cold steak juice dripping onto my nightgown in the AM. We all have our things. […]

The Minted Pear | A Green Juice Recipe

Are you looking at the title of this post and thinking, “Whoa. Did you just name that green juice like one would name a cocktail?” Yes. The answer is yes. I thought it would make green juice fun and flirty. It was either Kale, Pears, Mint n’ Stuff or The Minted Pear. I stand by my choice. We deserve to make our green juice fancy.  Pinkies up, yo.

Alright, so last week was off the chain. I feel like I got hit by a birthday bus. How are you guys doing? You good? Did you make any of those donuts yet? Oh, lawdy! Those things are crazy good. Go make those and then come back here and make this. The two go hand in hand. You’ll get it. This stuff is good for an “okay, maybe that fourth donut was a bit much” hangover. I should know… I drank and entire quart of it. Not kidding. It goes down real easy. […]