About Gina Marie

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So far Gina Marie has created 328 blog entries.

Grain-Free Apple & Pear Crisp {Gluten-Free & Paleo}

Everyone has been so busy losing their minds over pumpkin. I’m no different. You’ve seen my Ultimate Gluten-Free Pumpkin Recipe Round-up! That got intense. I scoured the internet for over fifty pumpkin recipes. That is a lot of pumpkin, folks! I’m in it. I want to make pumpkin body wash and rub it all over my body so I smell like pie all day. I want to throw some pumpkin pie spice into my yogurt in the morning. I want to get wild and make pumpkin pudding and pumpkin soup and put on a pumpkin costume and do a jig as a pumpkin. Too much? Probably. But, you get me. There is totally a thing called “Pumpkin Fever”, and your girl has got it.  […]

The Ultimate Gluten-Free Pumpkin Recipe Round-Up

(Photos by, Tasty Yummies, Texanerin Baking, Healthful Pursuit & The Pig & Quill)
Oh Em Gee… Pumpkin.

It’s happening. Pumpkin season is in full swing. I can’t be the only one who is trying to add this stuff to everything. I pretty much want everything to taste like pie. Is that so wrong? I say no. I say everything is better when it tastes like pie. I’m sure this isn’t true, but fall is ruining my brain with such thoughts.

As it turns out, I’m not the only one that is going absolutely pumpkin bonkers. Oh, no. I’m in some really great company. A lot of my blogger friends have gone off the rails and joined me in this celebratory pumpkin on pumpkin on pumpkin par-tayyyy! You wanna come? You’re totally invited. That’s why I’ve put together this recipe round-up of FIFTY pumpkin recipes that are all GLUTEN-FREE!!!

Well… what are you waiting for? Let’s dig in, shall we?  xox […]

Huevos Rancheros Enchiladas | Guest Post From Beard & Bonnet

Dear Friends, I want to introduce you to my amiga Meg! She writes the always beautiful and “OMG, I’M DROOLING ON MY KEYBOARD AGAIN” blog,  Beard & Bonnet! She is one of the first friends that I made in this crazy blogosphere. She wrote a post which casually mentioned her wearing a pizza costume during lunchtime with her toddler. That sealed the deal for me. I imagine us enjoying these Huevos Rancheros Enchiladas together. I’m dressed as a taco. She’s dressed as pizza. We do a jig. This is where my Monday morning brain is going… Enjoy this awesome looking dish, and please stop by her neck of the woods. Tell her I sent you. Costumes are optional, but never discouraged. xox

Hello So…Let’s Hang Out readers, my name is Meg and I write a little gluten free, vegetarian blog called Beard and Bonnet. I am so honored that Gina asked me to share a recipe on her site today, I can’t promise that my post will be nearly as humorous and entertaining as Gina’s, because let’s face it…she is AMAZING! I can promise it will be tasty though and that’s something, right?! I have been cooking and eating vegetarian dishes for over 7 years, but it wasn’t until our son was born with a gluten intolerance 2 1/2 years ago that we delved into the world of gluten free cooking in our home. My husband, Todd and I are artists and designers by trade and since we share design ideas with clients every day, sharing the food that helped to heal our family was a natural transition for us. We have learned a lot in the last year and a half of gluten free living; we learned that both my son and my husband are gluten-intolerant, that we all feel better when eating whole foods and eliminating processed junk foods, and that the blogosphere is full of really supportive amazing people like Gina who have turned into wonderful friends! […]

Spaghetti Squash Pesto Pasta With Chard & Sun Dried Tomatoes {Gluten-Free, Paleo & Vegan Option}

Have you ever tried to recreate a food memory? We all have them, right? Things that were simmering or baking during significant moments in our lives. Certain dishes that remind us of someone or something special. They can also go the other way on you… for example, I will most likely never again put a Sun Chip in my mouth — Thank you windy road to the beach for all the memories #nope.
When I was making this dish, I wanted to recreate what I ordered on my first date with my husband. The smell of pesto always brings me back to that evening. I wore a denim skirt that in hindsight was gloriously too short. He wore a button down that looked just like the checkered table cloths at the Italian restaurant. He was nervous. He wiped his mouth incessantly with his napkin. We joked. We laughed. Our waitress was totally drunk and boisterously exclaimed “You’re such a beautiful couple! When’s the wedding?!” Perfect for a first date. After the date, I asked him if he wanted to come over and meet my cat, Gunther. Smooth, right?  I made out with his face. The rest is history. Some might consider Gunther our Yenta (Fiddler On The Roof reference, anyone? )  Classic love story, right? Totally.  […]