Bourbon Tea Lemonade Popsicles With Peaches

So, it’s been a crazy week. Albeit, most of it good–I am just losing track of time and space.

It’s been the kind of week where I thought it was definitely (had to be) Friday when in fact it was only Tuesday. This can make one feel as if they have dementia, so that’s cool. I feel as if I’m a confusing fortnight short of forgetting my first name and wearing a pizza on my head. Okay, maybe that’s a little overboard — but whatever the next step is after putting your car keys in the freezer or trying to open up your car door with your house keys is. That. […]

Three Ingredient Watermelon & Mint Slushie

Back when I was a teenager, hot weather meant a couple of things.

Firstly, I was probably going to wear a top that showed my belly button and a suspicious amount of the ol’ chesticles. Secondly, as the weather turned hot, the classrooms would start to smell really strongly of CK One or other popular man-scents. It turns out that heat activates its pungency, allowing it to mix with stinky adolescent pits and creating what I’m sure to be a toxic death cloud — a cloud that was teeming with the scent of desperation and overly gelled hair. Thirdly, after school I was going to drive my sweaty-crop-top wearing self to 7-Eleven to dispense  a slushie into a BIG GULP cup. I would usually opt for cherry mixed with coca-cola. The ice would turn a murky brown. Sometimes they had a flavor that came in neon blue, which was fun because it would give you a smurf tongue. I can’t recall the exact flavor–but, I’m sure it tasted blue. These were the things of early summer. […]

Cucumber + Mint Limeade | Celebrating Pure Ella’s Virtual Baby Shower!

Hey! Today we’re celebrating our dear friend, the writer of the strikingly beautiful blog Pure Ella! Since Ella is expecting a brand new little one, we’ve decided to throw her a virtual baby shower! Maybe we can’t all get together in person and stuff our face with pretty food while rubbing her cute prego-belly, but that’s not going to keep us from celebrating. We’re rocking this baby shower virtual-style. We’re raising our glasses in front of the computer, wearing pajamas while totally thinking about the cute party dress we’d wear in real life. Oh, and I’m totally bringing the mocktails. […]

The Kentucky Mojito

Happy Monday, Friends! Today I’m guest posting over at one of my favorite blogs, Tasty Yummies! My girl Beth has been hustling like crazy to get her yoga teaching certification and invited us over to host a little party in her absence. Well, while Beth works on her epic yoga arms, I say we go ahead and pour ourselves a cocktail. Good.
