Totally Loaded Oatmeal Cookies | Gluten Free

Let me start off this post by openly acknowledging I’m a hot mess.

My desk is usually a sea of papers. Most of these papers are recipes either printed out or crudely scrawled with a sharpie onto the backs of envelopes or pieces of junk mail (you never know when inspiration will strike, right?). There are composition books filled with ideas and more than likely at least four drawings of polar bears in pant suits. I am constantly cleaning up the mess and thinning down the horde, but it always seems to come right on back. I will call this my process. It’s a messy process, but it gets you Cheesy Cauliflower Bakes and Peppermint Patty Brownies. I vow to myself at least once a week to get it together and type my recipes directly into a very organized folder on my desktop. This doesn’t happen. It’s not as much fun. It’s so much harder to doodle cupcakes and pandas in the margins of the page of a Word document. It’s all part of my flow.

This morning, I woke up hell-bent on sharing this cookie recipe with you. I’ve been sitting on it for a few weeks and I figured it was just time. Fridays are the time to start dreaming about chewy-gooey cookies. It’s a fact. […]

Killer Cabbage Juice | Juice Of The Week

I got ballsy.

I juiced a cabbage.

If you had told me last year that I would be juicing pretty much anything and everything, I would have told you to back off and stop making weird predictions. Also, out of all the things you could predict with your psychic gift, you should give me something juicier than becoming a juicer. Maybe tell me that I am coming into a fortune, or that I will have really great hair for all of 2013. Tell me that my dog will be perfectly trained and stop trying to gorge herself on the cat-box  Tell me that Pajama Jeans are now finally in fashion for reals and I should really just woman-up and buy them. I would welcome any of these predictions. […]

Feta, Chive & Greek Yogurt Biscuits | Gluten Free


These are the first biscuits that I have ever baked. Ever.

I wasn’t raised on biscuits. In fact, we never had them in our house. We were the family with the stash of Hawaiian sweet rolls. We occasionally baked those crescent rolls that came out of a can. Does that count? Probably not. Would it make a difference if I told you that sometimes we would roll mandarin oranges up into the crescent roll dough to make them fancy? No? Ok, fine. I will stop trying to impress you with my childhood culinary prowess.  I wasn’t exactly the Doogie Howser of baking, but I had dreams.

This week I found myself craving something savory and bread-y. When I found this recipe for Joy The Baker’s Feta, Chive and Sour Cream Scones, it was game over. I knew I wanted to try to make them gluten free. What was the worst that could happen? Not much. Honestly, if you put enough butter and cheese into something it’s usually an automatic culinary win. However, there was a chance (as there always is with gluten free baking) that my buttery biscuits would end up being buttery-rock-hard-nuggets-of-terror. (Honestly, have you ever picked up a loaf of rice bread at the store? It’s heavy.Weaponry, if you will). For this reason, I added in some almond meal to keep them moist and light and then crossed my fingers. […]

Spinach, Chocolate & Peanut Butter Smoothie

I woke up this morning determined to move my body.

Yesterday, I made biscuits. I ate three of them. No big deal. No regrets. They were buttery and warm and delicious, but today I need to move.

I put on my stretchy pants, my sneakers, and a nice long sleeve shirt and headed out the door.

I then headed right back in the door. IT’S SOOOO COLD.

I checked my phone. It said that it was 27 degrees. Yikes. I live in California. I am not prepared for this. I looked at our front steps. They were completely iced over. Glimmering at me as if to say: “I dare you to try not to break your neck on me, Klutz.” Geez, my front steps have a really bad attitude in the morning. They are totally not morning steps.

Obviously we needed to modify. I opened our coat closet and got out the biggest, puffiest coat I could find. […]