Duck Fat Roasted Radishes & Leeks With Lemon & Herbs

Okay, fine. I’ll say what we’re all thinking. Um, so I’m supposed to eat a plate full of radishes? Isn’t that like eating a plate full of sprouts? I’ve always admired the radish as a pretty garnish, but I’ve never really considered it to be a full on side dish. I would incorporate these cheery little roots into salads in order to add some color, but that was it. I’ve been treating the radish like my cheap, last minute, arm candy wedding date. She’s pretty. She’s available. She looks good in pink. But, that’s it. She’s not the hardworking, salt of the earth veggie that I’d take home to meet my Mom. […]

Loaded Tuna Salad Mason Jars To-Go + The 21 Day Sugar Detox Recap {Weeks 2 + 3}

I always find it slightly troubling that life around you does not slow down when you do. For instance, it’s been several weeks since I actually completed my 21DSD (21 Day Sugar Detox), but I haven’t been able to write about it until now. Time did not freeze. The internet did not stop creating meme after meme. Life goes on, even when you’re laying on the couch with fevers and body aches. Somewhere in the third week of my 21DSD, I got really sick, and it set off a series of chain reactions. I got stressed out. My Lyme disease flared up in a major way. I’ve basically been spending my days trying to heal. This isn’t glamorous or particularly exciting. It looks a lot like day-sleeping on the couch and watching all the Netflix. Sounds nice, right? Just not four weeks in a row.


Grain-Free Dark Chocolate Brownies With Macadamia Nuts + Emily’s Virtual Baby Shower!

So, it’s been a while since I’ve posted in these parts. I’ll totally catch up with y’all real soon.

But, today isn’t about me. Today is about my dear blogging buddy Emily, of The Pig & Quill. My favorite internet piggy is crazy pregnant with a baby girl. You guuuuuyz, the pig is about to deliver a piglet!!! And by piglet, I obviously mean a tiny, adorable, squishy little human that will inevitably make my aging ovaries hurt with every single Instagram photo of her adorable newborn face. […]

Roasted Cabbage With Almond Sesame Sauce & Herbs + The 21 Day Sugar Detox Recap {Week One}

So, I’m kind of in the middle of a breakup.

About ten days ago, I decided to breakup with sugar. After making (and eating) some of the world’s most delicious grain-free brownies (yes, don’t get weird on me–I’ll still share that recipe with you), I started noticing some things were going on in my body. My joints hurt almost immediately. My anxiety spiked. I felt bad, and generally hungover the next day. But, that didn’t stop my cravings. I wanted another brownie. I wanted a chocolate bar. I wanted a pint of ice cream. This felt like new territory for me. I’ve never been much of a sweets monster. I usually opt for the savory things in life. Steak is my power food. I choose crispy chicken skin over cake. That’s just how I roll. But, recently I began this spiral of chasing my savory meals with a sweet treat. It was a like a switch flipped in my brain upon meal completion, begging for a little bit of sweet sugary crack.  After compulsively eating more brownies than one should, I not only felt achy and anxious, but I started to feel out of control. At this point, I ordered The 21 Day Sugar Detox, by Diane Sanfilippo. It was time to call in reinforcements. […]